


Represents a time interval (time range).






constructor(arg1?: number, arg2?: number, arg3?: number, arg4?: number, arg5?: number)

Creates an instance of TimeRange.

Parameters :
Name Type Optional
arg1 number Yes
arg2 number Yes
arg3 number Yes
arg4 number Yes
arg5 number Yes


Private Static Readonly DaysPerTick
Type : number
Default value : 1.15740740740741e-12
Private Static Readonly HoursPerTick
Type : number
Default value : 2.77777777777778e-11
Private Static Readonly MillisecondsPerTick
Type : number
Default value : 0.0001
Private Static Readonly MillisPerDay
Type : number
Default value : 86400000
Private Static Readonly MillisPerHour
Type : number
Default value : 3600000
Private Static Readonly MillisPerMinute
Type : number
Default value : 60000
Private Static Readonly MillisPerSecond
Type : number
Default value : 1000
Private Static Readonly MinutesPerTick
Type : number
Default value : 1.66666666666667e-9
Private Static Readonly SecondsPerTick
Type : number
Default value : 1e-7
Private ticks
Type : number
Default value : 0

Stores the time range in ticks.

Private Static Readonly TicksPerDay
Type : number
Default value : 864000000000
Private Static Readonly TicksPerHour
Type : number
Default value : 36000000000
Private Static Readonly TicksPerMillisecond
Type : number
Default value : 10000
Private Static Readonly TicksPerMinute
Type : number
Default value : 600000000
Private Static Readonly TicksPerSecond
Type : number
Default value : 10000000


Static Add
Add(timeRange1: TimeRange, timeRange2: TimeRange)

Adds two specified TimeRange instances.

Parameters :
Name Type Optional Description
timeRange1 TimeRange No

The first time interval to add.

timeRange2 TimeRange No

The second time interval to add.

Returns : TimeRange

an object whose value is the sum of timeRange1 and timeRange2.

Private Static CheckValueRange
CheckValueRange(value: number, min: number, max: number, valueName: string, input: string)

Checks if the given value is within a specified range. Throws an error if the value is outside the allowed range.

Parameters :
Name Type Optional Description
value number No

The value to check.

min number No

The lower limit for the value.

max number No

The higher limit for the value.

valueName string No

Name of the value, to show on the error message.

input string No

The original input string, to show on the error message.

Returns : void
Public CompareTo
CompareTo(x: TimeRange)

Compare current TimeRange with another specified TimeRange.

Parameters :
Name Type Optional
x TimeRange No
Returns : number

Returns -1 if the current TimeRange is lower than the specified TimeRange, 1 if it is higher, or 0 if both are equal.

Static Equal
Equal(timeRange1: TimeRange, timeRange2: TimeRange)

Indicates whether two TimeRange instances are equal.

Parameters :
Name Type Optional Description
timeRange1 TimeRange No

The first time interval to compare.

timeRange2 TimeRange No

The second time interval to compare.

Returns : boolean

true if the values of timeRange1 and timeRange2 are equal; otherwise, false.

Static FromDays
FromDays(days: number)

Returns a TimeRange that represents a specified number of days, where the specification is accurate to the nearest millisecond.

Parameters :
Name Type Optional Description
days number No

A number of days, accurate to the nearest millisecond.

Returns : TimeRange
Static FromHours
FromHours(hours: number)

Returns a TimeRange that represents a specified number of hours, where the specification is accurate to the nearest millisecond.

Parameters :
Name Type Optional Description
hours number No

A number of hours, accurate to the nearest millisecond.

Returns : TimeRange
Static FromMilliseconds
FromMilliseconds(milliseconds: number)

Returns a TimeRange that represents a specified number of milliseconds.

Parameters :
Name Type Optional Description
milliseconds number No

A number of milliseconds.

Returns : TimeRange
Static FromMinutes
FromMinutes(minutes: number)

Returns a TimeRange that represents a specified number of minutes, where the specification is accurate to the nearest millisecond.

Parameters :
Name Type Optional Description
minutes number No

A number of minutes, accurate to the nearest millisecond.

Returns : TimeRange
Static FromSeconds
FromSeconds(seconds: number)

Returns a TimeRange that represents a specified number of seconds, where the specification is accurate to the nearest millisecond.

Parameters :
Name Type Optional Description
seconds number No

A number of seconds, accurate to the nearest millisecond.

Returns : TimeRange
Static GreaterThan
GreaterThan(timeRange1: TimeRange, timeRange2: TimeRange)

Indicates whether a specified TimeRange is greater than another specified TimeRange.

Parameters :
Name Type Optional Description
timeRange1 TimeRange No

The first time interval to compare.

timeRange2 TimeRange No

The second time interval to compare.

Returns : boolean

true if the value of timeRange1 is greater than the value of timeRange2; otherwise, false.

Static GreaterThanOrEqual
GreaterThanOrEqual(timeRange1: TimeRange, timeRange2: TimeRange)

Indicates whether a specified TimeRange is greater than or rqula to another specified TimeRange.

Parameters :
Name Type Optional Description
timeRange1 TimeRange No

The first time interval to compare.

timeRange2 TimeRange No

The second time interval to compare.

Returns : boolean

true if the value of timeRange1 is greater than or equal to the value of timeRange2; otherwise, false.

Static LessThan
LessThan(timeRange1: TimeRange, timeRange2: TimeRange)

Indicates whether a specified TimeRange is less than another specified TimeRange.

Parameters :
Name Type Optional Description
timeRange1 TimeRange No

The first time interval to compare.

timeRange2 TimeRange No

The second time interval to compare.

Returns : boolean

true if the value of timeRange1 is less than the value of timeRange2; otherwise, false.

Static LessThanOrEqual
LessThanOrEqual(timeRange1: TimeRange, timeRange2: TimeRange)

Indicates whether a specified TimeRange is less than or equal to another specified TimeRange.

Parameters :
Name Type Optional Description
timeRange1 TimeRange No

The first time interval to compare.

timeRange2 TimeRange No

The second time interval to compare.

Returns : boolean

true if the value of timeRange1 is less than or equal to the value of timeRange2; otherwise, false.

Static NotEqual
NotEqual(timeRange1: TimeRange, timeRange2: TimeRange)

Indicates whether two TimeRange instances are not equal.

Parameters :
Name Type Optional Description
timeRange1 TimeRange No

The first time interval to compare.

timeRange2 TimeRange No

The second time interval to compare.

Returns : boolean

true if the values of timeRange1 and timeRange2 are not equal; otherwise, false.

Static Parse
Parse(input: string)

Parse a string into a TimeRange.

The format for the input is dd.hh:mm:ss.ff, where:

  • dd = days - optional
  • hh = hours - mandatory
  • mm = minutes - optional
  • ss = seconds - optional
  • ff = fractionalSeconds - optional

Valid input examples are:

  • 1.2:3:4.5 = 1 day, 2 hours, 3 minutes, 4 seconds, 500 milliseconds.
  • 02:30 = 2 hours, 30 minutes.
  • 3.2:15 = 3 days, 2 hours, 15 minutes.
  • 13 = special - this is interpreted as 13 days, not 13 hours.

Invalid input values:

  • 1.2 = ambiguous input. It could mean 1 day and 2 hours, or 1 second and 200 milliseconds.
  • 15:52.3 = 15 minutes, 52 seconds and 300 milliseconds. Is invalid because hours is mandatory.
  • 3:14: = lacks seconds. In general, a number should always follow : or ..
Parameters :
Name Type Optional
input string No
Returns : TimeRange


Static Subtract
Subtract(timeRange1: TimeRange, timeRange2: TimeRange)

Subtracts a specified TimeRange from another specified TimeRange.

Parameters :
Name Type Optional Description
timeRange1 TimeRange No

The time interval to subtract from (the minuend).

timeRange2 TimeRange No

The time interval to subtract (the subtrahend).

Returns : TimeRange

an object whose value is the result of the value of timeRange1 minus the value of timeRange2.

Public ToString

Converts the value of the current TimeRange object to its equivalent string representation.

Returns : string




Represents the maximum TimeRange value. This field is read-only.

Returns : TimeRange

Represents the minimum TimeRange value. This field is read-only.

Returns : TimeRange

Represents the zero TimeRange value. This field is read-only.

Returns : TimeRange

Gets the number of ticks that represents the value of the current TimeRange structure.

Returns : number

Gets the millisecond component of the time interval represented by the current TimeRange structure. Returns only the Milliseconds portion, the actual Milliseconds value

Returns : number

Gets the seconds of the time interval represented by the current TimeRange structure. Returns only the Seconds portion, the actual Seconds value

Returns : number

Gets the minute component of the time interval represented by the current TimeRange structure. Returns only the Minutes portion, the actual Minutes value

Returns : number

Gets the hour component of the time interval represented by the current TimeRange structure. Returns only the Hour portion, the actual Hour value

Returns : number

Gets the days component of the time interval represented by the current TimeRange structure. Returns only the Day portion, the actual Day value

Returns : number

Gets the value of the current TimeRange structure expressed in whole and fractional milliseconds. Returns the total number of milliseconds represented by this instance

Returns : number

Gets the value of the current TimeRange structure expressed in whole and fractional seconds. Returns the total number of seconds represented by this instance

Returns : number

Gets the value of the current TimeRange structure expressed in whole and fractional minutes. Returns the total number of minutes represented by this instance

Returns : number

Gets the value of the current TimeRange structure expressed in whole and fractional hours. Returns the total number of hours represented by this instance

Returns : number

Gets the value of the current TimeRange structure expressed in whole and fractional days. Returns the total number of days represented by this instance

Returns : number
import { IComparable } from './collections';

 * Represents a time interval (time range).
 * @export
 * @class TimeRange
 * @wType System.TimeSpan
 * @wNetSupport
// @dynamic
export class TimeRange implements IComparable<TimeRange> {
  private static readonly TicksPerMillisecond = 10000;
  private static readonly TicksPerSecond = 10000000;
  private static readonly TicksPerMinute = 600000000;
  private static readonly TicksPerHour = 36000000000;
  private static readonly TicksPerDay = 864000000000;

  private static readonly MillisecondsPerTick = 0.0001;
  private static readonly SecondsPerTick = 1e-7;
  private static readonly MinutesPerTick = 1.66666666666667e-9;
  private static readonly HoursPerTick = 2.77777777777778e-11;
  private static readonly DaysPerTick = 1.15740740740741e-12;

  private static readonly MillisPerSecond = 1000;
  private static readonly MillisPerMinute = 60000;
  private static readonly MillisPerHour = 3600000;
  private static readonly MillisPerDay = 86400000;

   * Stores the time range in ticks.
   * @memberof TimeRange
  private ticks = 0;

   * Creates an instance of TimeRange with zero ticks.
   * @memberof TimeRange

   * Creates an instance of TimeRange to the specified number of ticks.
   * @param {number} ticks Ticks.
   * @memberof TimeRange
  constructor(ticks: number);

   * Creates an instance of TimeRange to a specified number of hours, minutes, and seconds.
   * @param {number} hours Number of hours.
   * @param {number} minutes Number of minutes.
   * @param {number} seconds Number of seconds.
   * @memberof TimeRange
  constructor(hours: number, minutes: number, seconds: number);

   * Creates an instance of TimeRange to a specified number of days, hours, minutes, and seconds.
   * @param {number} days Number of days.
   * @param {number} hours Number of hours.
   * @param {number} minutes Number of minutes.
   * @param {number} seconds Number of seconds.
   * @memberof TimeRange
  constructor(days: number, hours: number, minutes: number, seconds: number);

   * Creates an instance of TimeRange to a specified number of days, hours, minutes, seconds and milliseconds.
   * @param {number} days Number of days.
   * @param {number} hours Number of hours.
   * @param {number} minutes Number of minutes.
   * @param {number} seconds Number of seconds.
   * @param {number} milliseconds Number of milliseconds.
   * @memberof TimeRange
    days: number,
    hours: number,
    minutes: number,
    seconds: number,
    milliseconds: number

   * Creates an instance of TimeRange.
   * @param {number} arg1
   * @param {number} arg2
   * @param {number} arg3
   * @param {number} arg4
   * @param {number} arg5
   * @memberof TimeRange
    arg1?: number,
    arg2?: number,
    arg3?: number,
    arg4?: number,
    arg5?: number
  ) {
    if (
      arg1 !== undefined &&
      arg2 !== undefined &&
      arg3 !== undefined &&
      arg4 !== undefined
    ) {
      const days = arg1;
      const hours = arg2;
      const minutes = arg3;
      const seconds = arg4;
      const milloscds = arg5 ? arg5 : 0;
      const milliseconds =
        days * TimeRange.MillisPerDay +
        hours * TimeRange.MillisPerHour +
        minutes * TimeRange.MillisPerMinute +
        seconds * TimeRange.MillisPerSecond;
      this.ticks = (milliseconds + milloscds) * TimeRange.TicksPerMillisecond;
    } else if (arg1 !== undefined && arg2 !== undefined && arg3 !== undefined) {
      const hours = arg1;
      const minutes = arg2;
      const seconds = arg3;
      const milliseconds =
        hours * TimeRange.MillisPerHour +
        minutes * TimeRange.MillisPerMinute +
        seconds * TimeRange.MillisPerSecond;
      this.ticks = milliseconds * TimeRange.TicksPerMillisecond;
    } else if (arg1 !== undefined) {
      this.ticks = arg1;

   * Represents the maximum TimeRange value. This field is read-only.
   * @type {TimeRange}
   * @memberof TimeRange
  public static get MaxValue(): TimeRange {
    return new TimeRange(92233721036854775807); //long.MaxValue = 9223372036854775807

   * Represents the minimum TimeRange value. This field is read-only.
   * @type {TimeRange}
   * @memberof TimeRange
  public static get MinValue(): TimeRange {
    return new TimeRange(-9223372036854775808); //long.MinValue = -9223372036854775808

   * Represents the zero TimeRange value. This field is read-only.
   * @type {TimeRange}
   * @memberof TimeRange
  public static get Zero(): TimeRange {
    return new TimeRange(0);

   * Gets the number of ticks that represents the value of the current TimeRange structure.
   * @type {number}
   * @memberof TimeRange
  public get Ticks(): number {
    return this.ticks;

   * Returns a TimeRange that represents a specified number of milliseconds.
   * @param {number} milliseconds A number of milliseconds.
   * @memberof TimeRange
  public static FromMilliseconds(milliseconds: number): TimeRange {
    return new TimeRange(milliseconds * 10000);

   * Returns a TimeRange that represents a specified number of seconds, where the specification is accurate to the nearest millisecond.
   * @param {number} seconds A number of seconds, accurate to the nearest millisecond.
   * @memberof TimeRange
  public static FromSeconds(seconds: number): TimeRange {
    const milliseconds = seconds * 1000;
    return new TimeRange(milliseconds * 10000);

   * Returns a TimeRange that represents a specified number of minutes, where the specification is accurate to the nearest millisecond.
   * @param {number} minutes A number of minutes, accurate to the nearest millisecond.
   * @memberof TimeRange
  public static FromMinutes(minutes: number): TimeRange {
    const milliseconds = minutes * 60000;
    return new TimeRange(milliseconds * 10000);

   * Returns a TimeRange that represents a specified number of hours, where the specification is accurate to the nearest millisecond.
   * @param {number} hours A number of hours, accurate to the nearest millisecond.
   * @memberof TimeRange
  public static FromHours(hours: number): TimeRange {
    const milliseconds = hours * 3600000;
    return new TimeRange(milliseconds * 10000);

   * Returns a TimeRange that represents a specified number of days, where the specification is accurate to the nearest millisecond.
   * @param {number} days A number of days, accurate to the nearest millisecond.
   * @memberof TimeRange
  public static FromDays(days: number): TimeRange {
    const milliseconds = days * 86400000;
    return new TimeRange(milliseconds * 10000);

   * Subtracts a specified TimeRange from another specified TimeRange.
   * @returns an object whose value is the result of the value of timeRange1 minus the value of timeRange2.
   * @param {TimeRange} timeRange1 The time interval to subtract from (the minuend).
   * @param {TimeRange} timeRange2 The time interval to subtract (the subtrahend).
   * @memberof TimeRange
  public static Subtract(
    timeRange1: TimeRange,
    timeRange2: TimeRange
  ): TimeRange {
    const ticks = timeRange1.Ticks - timeRange2.Ticks;
    return new TimeRange(ticks);

   * Adds two specified TimeRange instances.
   * @returns an object whose value is the sum of timeRange1 and timeRange2.
   * @param {TimeRange} timeRange1 The first time interval to add.
   * @param {TimeRange} timeRange2 The second time interval to add.
   * @memberof TimeRange
  public static Add(timeRange1: TimeRange, timeRange2: TimeRange): TimeRange {
    const ticks = timeRange1.Ticks + timeRange2.Ticks;
    return new TimeRange(ticks);

   * Indicates whether two TimeRange instances are equal.
   * @returns true if the values of timeRange1 and timeRange2 are equal; otherwise, false.
   * @param {TimeRange} timeRange1 The first time interval to compare.
   * @param {TimeRange} timeRange2 The second time interval to compare.
   * @memberof TimeRange
  public static Equal(timeRange1: TimeRange, timeRange2: TimeRange): boolean {
    return timeRange1.Ticks === timeRange2.Ticks;

   * Indicates whether two TimeRange instances are not equal.
   * @returns true if the values of timeRange1 and timeRange2 are not equal; otherwise, false.
   * @param {TimeRange} timeRange1 The first time interval to compare.
   * @param {TimeRange} timeRange2 The second time interval to compare.
   * @memberof TimeRange
  public static NotEqual(
    timeRange1: TimeRange,
    timeRange2: TimeRange
  ): boolean {
    return timeRange1.Ticks !== timeRange2.Ticks;

   * Indicates whether a specified TimeRange is less than another specified TimeRange.
   * @returns true if the value of timeRange1 is less than the value of timeRange2; otherwise, false.
   * @param {TimeRange} timeRange1 The first time interval to compare.
   * @param {TimeRange} timeRange2 The second time interval to compare.
   * @memberof TimeRange
  public static LessThan(
    timeRange1: TimeRange,
    timeRange2: TimeRange
  ): boolean {
    return timeRange1.Ticks < timeRange2.Ticks;

   * Indicates whether a specified TimeRange is less than or equal to another specified TimeRange.
   * @returns true if the value of timeRange1 is less than or equal to the value of timeRange2; otherwise, false.
   * @param {TimeRange} timeRange1 The first time interval to compare.
   * @param {TimeRange} timeRange2 The second time interval to compare.
   * @memberof TimeRange
  public static LessThanOrEqual(
    timeRange1: TimeRange,
    timeRange2: TimeRange
  ): boolean {
    return timeRange1.Ticks <= timeRange2.Ticks;

   * Indicates whether a specified TimeRange is greater than another specified TimeRange.
   * @returns true if the value of timeRange1 is greater than the value of timeRange2; otherwise, false.
   * @param {TimeRange} timeRange1 The first time interval to compare.
   * @param {TimeRange} timeRange2 The second time interval to compare.
   * @memberof TimeRange
  public static GreaterThan(
    timeRange1: TimeRange,
    timeRange2: TimeRange
  ): boolean {
    return timeRange1.Ticks > timeRange2.Ticks;

   * Indicates whether a specified TimeRange is greater than or rqula to another specified TimeRange.
   * @returns true if the value of timeRange1 is greater than or equal to the value of timeRange2; otherwise, false.
   * @param {TimeRange} timeRange1 The first time interval to compare.
   * @param {TimeRange} timeRange2 The second time interval to compare.
   * @memberof TimeRange
  public static GreaterThanOrEqual(
    timeRange1: TimeRange,
    timeRange2: TimeRange
  ): boolean {
    return timeRange1.Ticks >= timeRange2.Ticks;

   * Parse a string into a `TimeRange`.
   * The format for the input is `dd.hh:mm:ss.ff`, where:
   * - `dd` = days - optional
   * - `hh` = hours - mandatory
   * - `mm` = minutes - optional
   * - `ss` = seconds - optional
   * - `ff` = fractionalSeconds - optional
   * Valid input examples are:
   * - `1.2:3:4.5` = 1 day, 2 hours, 3 minutes, 4 seconds, 500 milliseconds.
   * - `02:30` = 2 hours, 30 minutes.
   * - `3.2:15` = 3 days, 2 hours, 15 minutes.
   * - `13` = *special* - this is interpreted as 13 days, not 13 hours.
   * Invalid input values:
   * - `1.2` = ambiguous input. It could mean 1 day and 2 hours, or 1 second and 200 milliseconds.
   * - `15:52.3` = 15 minutes, 52 seconds and 300 milliseconds. Is invalid because hours is mandatory.
   * - `3:14:` = lacks seconds. In general, a number should always follow `:` or `.`.
   * @static
   * @param {string} input
   * @return {*}  {KeyTime}
   * @memberof TimeRange
  public static Parse(input: string): TimeRange {
    if (/^\s*(\d+)\s*$/.test(input)) {
      // There is only one number in the input, without `:` or `.`, like "13".
      // "13" should be interpreted as 13 days, not 13 hours.
      const days = Number.parseInt(input, 10);
      return new TimeRange(days, 0, 0, 0, 0);

    // This regex should match the following patterns:
    // - `dd.hh:mm:ss.ff`
    // - `dd.hh:mm:ss`
    // - `dd.hh:mm`
    // - `hh:mm:ss.ff`
    // - `hh:mm:ss`
    // - `hh:mm`
    const matches = input.match(
    if (matches != null) {
      const days = Number.parseInt(matches[2] ?? '0', 10);
      const hours = Number.parseInt(matches[3] ?? '0', 10);
      const minutes = Number.parseInt(matches[4] ?? '0', 10);
      const seconds = Number.parseInt(matches[6] ?? '0', 10);
      TimeRange.CheckValueRange(hours, 0, 23, 'Hours', input);
      TimeRange.CheckValueRange(minutes, 0, 59, 'Minutes', input);
      TimeRange.CheckValueRange(seconds, 0, 59, 'Seconds', input);

      // We need to convert the fractional seconds to milliseconds.
      const fractionalSeconds = matches[8];
      const fullNumber = fractionalSeconds ? `0.${fractionalSeconds}` : '0';
      if (fullNumber.length > 9) {
        throw Error(
          `Wrong input format for TimeRange: "${input}". Fractional seconds have more than 7 digits.`
      const milliseconds = Math.floor(Number.parseFloat(fullNumber) * 1000);

      return new TimeRange(days, hours, minutes, seconds, milliseconds);

    throw Error(
      `Wrong input format for TimeRange: "${input}" is not a valid time range.`

   * Checks if the given value is within a specified range.
   * Throws an error if the value is outside the allowed range.
   * @private
   * @static
   * @param {number} value The value to check.
   * @param {number} min The lower limit for the value.
   * @param {number} max The higher limit for the value.
   * @param {string} valueName Name of the value, to show on the error message.
   * @param {string} input The original input string, to show on the error message.
   * @memberof TimeRange
  private static CheckValueRange(
    value: number,
    min: number,
    max: number,
    valueName: string,
    input: string
  ): void {
    if (value < min || value > max) {
      throw Error(
        `Wrong input format for TimeRange: "${input}". ${valueName} are outside of valid range (${min}-${max}).`

   * Gets the millisecond component of the time interval represented by the current TimeRange structure.
   * Returns only the Milliseconds portion, the actual Milliseconds value
   * @type {number}
   * @memberof TimeRange
  public get Milliseconds(): number {
    return Math.trunc((this.ticks / TimeRange.TicksPerMillisecond) % 1000);

   * Gets the seconds of the time interval represented by the current TimeRange structure.
   * Returns only the Seconds portion, the actual Seconds value
   * @type {number}
   * @memberof TimeRange
  public get Seconds(): number {
    return Math.trunc((this.ticks / TimeRange.TicksPerSecond) % 60);

   * Gets the minute component of the time interval represented by the current TimeRange structure.
   * Returns only the Minutes portion, the actual Minutes value
   * @type {number}
   * @memberof TimeRange
  public get Minutes(): number {
    return Math.trunc((this.ticks / TimeRange.TicksPerMinute) % 60);

   * Gets the hour component of the time interval represented by the current TimeRange structure.
   * Returns only the Hour portion, the actual Hour value
   * @type {number}
   * @memberof TimeRange
  public get Hours(): number {
    return Math.trunc((this.ticks / TimeRange.TicksPerHour) % 24);

   * Gets the days component of the time interval represented by the current TimeRange structure.
   * Returns only the Day portion, the actual Day value
   * @type {number}
   * @memberof TimeRange
  public get Days(): number {
    return Math.trunc(this.ticks / TimeRange.TicksPerDay);

   * Gets the value of the current TimeRange structure expressed in whole and fractional milliseconds.
   * Returns the total number of milliseconds represented by this instance
   * @type {number}
   * @memberof TimeRange
  public get TotalMilliseconds(): number {
    return this.ticks * TimeRange.MillisecondsPerTick;

   * Gets the value of the current TimeRange structure expressed in whole and fractional seconds.
   * Returns the total number of seconds represented by this instance
   * @type {number}
   * @memberof TimeRange
  public get TotalSeconds(): number {
    return this.ticks * TimeRange.SecondsPerTick;

   * Gets the value of the current TimeRange structure expressed in whole and fractional minutes.
   * Returns the total number of minutes represented by this instance
   * @type {number}
   * @memberof TimeRange
  public get TotalMinutes(): number {
    return this.ticks * TimeRange.MinutesPerTick;

   * Gets the value of the current TimeRange structure expressed in whole and fractional hours.
   * Returns the total number of hours represented by this instance
   * @type {number}
   * @memberof TimeRange
  public get TotalHours(): number {
    return this.ticks * TimeRange.HoursPerTick;

   * Gets the value of the current TimeRange structure expressed in whole and fractional days.
   * Returns the total number of days represented by this instance
   * @type {number}
   * @memberof TimeRange
  public get TotalDays(): number {
    return this.ticks * TimeRange.DaysPerTick;

   * Compare current TimeRange with another specified TimeRange.
   * @param {TimeRange} x
   * @return Returns -1 if the current TimeRange is lower than the specified TimeRange, 1 if it is higher, or 0 if both are equal.
   * @memberof TimeRange
  public CompareTo(x: TimeRange): number {
    if (!x || this.TotalMilliseconds > x.TotalMilliseconds) return 1;
    else if (this.TotalMilliseconds === x.TotalMilliseconds) {
      return 0;
    } else {
      return -1;

   * Converts the value of the current TimeRange object to its equivalent string representation.
   * @return {*}  {string}
   * @memberof TimeRange
  public ToString(): string {
    const days = this.Days;
    const hours = this.Hours;
    const minutes = this.Minutes;
    const seconds = this.Seconds;
    const milliseconds = this.Milliseconds;
    let str = '';
    if (days !== 0) {
      str += days + '.';
    str += (hours.toString().length === 1 ? '0' + hours : hours) + ':';
    str += (minutes.toString().length === 1 ? '0' + minutes : minutes) + ':';
    str += seconds.toString().length === 1 ? '0' + seconds : seconds;
    if (milliseconds !== 0) {
      str += '.' + milliseconds;
    return str;

result-matching ""

    No results matching ""