


A style plan stores information to apply legacy styles to specific HTML DOM elements.




Private plan
Default value : new Map<Setter, Set<HTMLElement>>()

Stores the relationship between setters and HTML elements.


add(setter: Setter, element: HTMLElement)

Add a relationship between the given setter and the HTML element. When the plan is executed, the setter will be applied to the given element.

Parameters :
Name Type Optional
setter Setter No
element HTMLElement No
Returns : void
applySetter(setter: Setter, elements: Set)

Apply the specified setter to the given set of HTML elements.

Parameters :
Name Type Optional
setter Setter No
elements Set<HTMLElement> No
Returns : void
applyStyle(elements: Set, style: string, value: any)

Apply the specified CSS style to all HTML elements of the given set.

Parameters :
Name Type Optional
elements Set<HTMLElement> No
style string No
value any No
Returns : void
equals(other: StylePlan)

Compares this style plan with another one. If both plans have exactly the same setters (the same instances) and the same elements for each setter, then returns true. Otherwise returns false.

Parameters :
Name Type Optional
other StylePlan No
Returns : boolean


equalSets(a: Set, b: Set)
Type parameters :
  • T

Compares two sets. If both sets contains the same elements (same instances) then return true. Otherwise return false.

Parameters :
Name Type Optional
a Set<T> No
b Set<T> No
Returns : boolean



Apply all setters on this plan to their corresponding HTML elements.

Returns : void



Returns the amount of setters added into this plan.

Returns : number
import {
} from '@mobilize/wms-framework';

 * A style plan stores information to apply legacy styles to
 * specific HTML DOM elements.
 * @export
 * @class StylePlan
export class StylePlan {
   * Stores the relationship between setters and HTML elements.
   * @private
   * @memberof StylePlan
  private plan = new Map<Setter, Set<HTMLElement>>();

   * Add a relationship between the given setter and the HTML element.
   * When the plan is executed, the setter will be applied to the given
   * element.
   * @param {Setter} setter
   * @param {HTMLElement} element
   * @memberof StylePlan
  add(setter: Setter, element: HTMLElement): void {
    let elementSet = this.plan.get(setter);
    /* istanbul ignore else */
    if (elementSet == null) {
      elementSet = new Set<HTMLElement>();
      this.plan.set(setter, elementSet);

   * Compares this style plan with another one. If both plans have exactly
   * the same setters (the same instances) and the same elements for each
   * setter, then returns `true`. Otherwise returns `false`.
   * @param {StylePlan} other
   * @return {*}  {boolean}
   * @memberof StylePlan
  equals(other: StylePlan): boolean {
    /* istanbul ignore else */
    if (other == null || this.size !== other.size) {
      return false;
    let allSetsEqual = true;
    for (const [setter, elementSet] of this.plan) {
      const otherElementSet = other.plan.get(setter);
      allSetsEqual = this.equalSets(elementSet, otherElementSet);
      if (!allSetsEqual) {
    return allSetsEqual;

   * Compares two sets. If both sets contains the same elements (same
   * instances) then return `true`. Otherwise return `false`.
   * @template T
   * @param {Set<T>} a
   * @param {Set<T>} b
   * @return {*}  {boolean}
   * @memberof StylePlan
  equalSets<T>(a: Set<T>, b: Set<T>): boolean {
    return (
      a != null &&
      b != null &&
      a.size === b.size &&
      [...a].every((x) => b.has(x))

   * Apply all setters on this plan to their corresponding HTML elements.
   * @memberof StylePlan
  execute(): void {
    for (const [setter, elementSet] of this.plan) {
      this.applySetter(setter, elementSet);

   * Apply the specified setter to the given set of HTML elements.
   * @param {Setter} setter
   * @param {Set<HTMLElement>} elements
   * @memberof StylePlan
  applySetter(setter: Setter, elements: Set<HTMLElement>): void {
    /* istanbul ignore else */
    if (
      setter.Property === 'Background' &&
      setter.Value instanceof SolidColorBrush
    ) {
      const cssBackColor = smColorToCssColor(setter.Value.Color);
      this.applyStyle(elements, 'background', cssBackColor);
    } else if (
      setter.Property === 'Foreground' &&
      setter.Value instanceof SolidColorBrush
    ) {
      const cssForeColor = smColorToCssColor(setter.Value.Color);
      this.applyStyle(elements, 'color', cssForeColor);

   * Apply the specified CSS style to all HTML elements of the given set.
   * @param {Set<HTMLElement>} elements
   * @param {string} style
   * @param {*} value
   * @memberof StylePlan
  applyStyle(elements: Set<HTMLElement>, style: string, value: any) {
    for (const element of elements) {[style] = value;

   * Returns the amount of setters added into this plan.
   * @readonly
   * @type {number}
   * @memberof StylePlan
  get size(): number {
    return this.plan.size;

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