


An object that is used to specify the width of a column object.




constructor(p1, p2)
Parameters :
Name Optional
p1 No
p2 No


Static Auto
Default value : new ColumnWidth(1, ColumnWidthType.Auto)
Static InitialAuto
Default value : new ColumnWidth(1, ColumnWidthType.InitialAuto)
Static SizeToCells
Default value : new ColumnWidth(1, ColumnWidthType.SizeToCells)
Static SizeToHeader
Default value : new ColumnWidth(1, ColumnWidthType.SizeToHeader)
Static Star
Default value : new ColumnWidth(1, ColumnWidthType.Star)
Public Value
Type : any
Default value : null

Gets/sets the value of the ColumnWidth property

Public WidthType
Type : ColumnWidthType
Default value : ColumnWidthType.Auto

Gets/sets the ColumnWidthType of the column.


Static parse
parse(input: string | ColumnWidth)

Returns a Thickness from a string, or null if the string format is incorrect.

Parameters :
Name Type Optional
input string | ColumnWidth No
Returns : ColumnWidth


import { ColumnWidthType } from '../enums/ColumnWidthType';
import { DataGridLengthUnitType } from './DataGridLengthUnitType';

 * An object that is used to specify the width of a column object.
 * @export
 * @class ColumnWidth
 * @wType Infragistics.Controls.Grids.ColumnWidth
export class ColumnWidth {
  constructor(value: number, isStar: boolean);
  constructor(value: number, type: ColumnWidthType);
  constructor(p1, p2) {
    this.Value = p1;
    if (typeof p2 === 'boolean') {
      this.WidthType = p2 ? ColumnWidthType.Star : ColumnWidthType.Numeric;
    } else {
      this.WidthType = p2;
   * Gets/sets the value of the ColumnWidth property
   * @type {*}
   * @memberof ColumnWidth
  public Value: any = null;

   * Gets/sets the ColumnWidthType of the column.
   * @type {ColumnWidthType}
   * @memberof ColumnWidth
  public WidthType: ColumnWidthType = ColumnWidthType.Auto;

  public static SizeToHeader = new ColumnWidth(1, ColumnWidthType.SizeToHeader);

  public static Auto = new ColumnWidth(1, ColumnWidthType.Auto);
  public static Star = new ColumnWidth(1, ColumnWidthType.Star);
  public static SizeToCells = new ColumnWidth(1, ColumnWidthType.SizeToCells);
  public static InitialAuto = new ColumnWidth(1, ColumnWidthType.InitialAuto);

   * Returns a Thickness from a string, or `null` if the string format is incorrect.
   * @static
   * @param {(string | ThicknessModel)} input
   * @return {*}  {ThicknessModel}
   * @memberof ThicknessModel
  // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/naming-convention
  public static parse(input: string | ColumnWidth): ColumnWidth {
    if (input instanceof ColumnWidth) {
      return input;

    let lowerInput = String(input).toLowerCase();
    if (Number(input)) {
      return new ColumnWidth(Number(input), false);
    } else if (
      lowerInput === 'star' ||
      lowerInput === '*' ||
      lowerInput === 'auto*'
    ) {
      return ColumnWidth.Star;
    } else if (lowerInput.endsWith('*')) {
      return new ColumnWidth(Number(input.replace('*', '')), true);
    } else if (lowerInput.startsWith('*')) {
      return new ColumnWidth(Number(input.replace('*', '')), true);
    } else if (lowerInput === 'auto') {
      return ColumnWidth.Auto;
    } else if (lowerInput === 'initialauto') {
      return ColumnWidth.InitialAuto;
    } else if (lowerInput.startsWith('sizetocell')) {
      return ColumnWidth.SizeToCells;
    } else if (lowerInput === 'sizetoheader') {
      return ColumnWidth.SizeToHeader;
    } else {
      return null;

 * Defines the size of a data grid column.  The size can be indicated in absolute value or fractions using
 * te '*' character such as:
 * @wType System.Windows.Controls.DataGridLength
export class DataGridLengthModel {
  constructor(value: number, unitType?: DataGridLengthUnitType) {
    this.Value = value;
    this.UnitType =
      unitType === undefined ? DataGridLengthUnitType.Pixel : unitType;
    this.AbsoluteZero =
      (this.UnitType === DataGridLengthUnitType.Pixel && this.Value === 0) ||
      (this.UnitType === DataGridLengthUnitType.Star && this.Value === 0);

   * The value of this data grid length in pixels
  public Value: number;

   * Gets/sets the unit of this data grid lenght object
  public UnitType: DataGridLengthUnitType;

   * Gets the matching html value of this data grid lenght object.
   * @wIgnore
  public HtmlValue: string;

   * Indicates whether this {DataGridLengthModel} represents an absolute zero value (0 pixels)
   * @type {boolean}
   * @memberof DataGridLengthModel
   * @wIgnore
  public AbsoluteZero: boolean;

  public static SizeToCells: DataGridLengthModel = new DataGridLengthModel(
  public static SizeToHeader: DataGridLengthModel = new DataGridLengthModel(

   * Tries to create a new { DataGridLengthModel} object from the given value
   * @param value the value used to create a new DataGridLength object
   * @returns
  public static createDataGridLength(value: any): DataGridLengthModel {
    if (typeof value == 'string') {
      return DataGridLengthModel.createFromString(value as string);
    } else if (typeof value == 'number') {
      return new DataGridLengthModel(value as number);
    return value;

   * Creates a new { DataGridLengthModel } object using the given string value.  It validates if the string contains
   * a '*' symbol or not.
   * @param value the string value with the column width
   * @returns a valid {DataGridLengthModel} object or null
  private static createFromString(value: string) {
    let result: DataGridLengthModel = null;
    let strValue = value as string;

    if (isNaN(parseFloat(strValue)) || strValue.includes('*')) {
      if (strValue === 'auto') {
        result = new DataGridLengthModel(0, DataGridLengthUnitType.Auto);
      } else if (strValue.includes('*')) {
        strValue = strValue.replace('*', '');
        result = new DataGridLengthModel(
          strValue.length === 0 ? 1 : Number.parseInt(strValue),
    } else {
      result = new DataGridLengthModel(Number.parseInt(strValue));
    return result;

   * Calculates the column with in valid html format
  private calculateHtmlValue() {
    this.HtmlValue = undefined; // defaulting to Auto
    switch (this.UnitType) {
      case DataGridLengthUnitType.Auto:
        this.HtmlValue = undefined;
      case DataGridLengthUnitType.Star:
        this.HtmlValue =
          this.Value == 1 ? '100% ' : `minmax(0px, ${this.Value}fr) `;
      case DataGridLengthUnitType.Pixel:
        this.HtmlValue = `${this.Value}px `;

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    No results matching ""