


IRegionCollection interface.




Add(region: IRegion)

Adds a IRegion to the collection.

Parameters :
Name Type Optional Description
region IRegion No

Region to be added to the collection.

Returns : void
ContainsRegionWithName(regionName: string)

Checks if the collection contains a IRegion with the name received as parameter

Parameters :
Name Type Optional Description
regionName string No

The name of the region to look for.

Returns : boolean
getItem(regionName: string)

Retrieves a region with the given name

Parameters :
Name Type Optional Description
regionName string No

the name of the region to retrieve

Returns : IRegion


Remove(regionName: string)

Removes a IRegion from the collection.

Parameters :
Name Type Optional Description
regionName string No

Name of the region to be removed.

Returns : boolean
tryGetValue(key: string, valueFunc: (v: IRegion) => void)

Tries to retrieve a region with the given name

Parameters :
Name Type Optional Description
key string No

region key

valueFunc function No

function to process the retrieved value

Returns : boolean

{boolean} true if the region was retrieved


Iteration protocol function

{Iterator<IRegion, any, undefined>}

import { IRegion } from './IRegion';

 * IRegionCollection interface.
 * @export
 * @interface IRegionCollection
 * @wInterface Microsoft.Practices.Prism.Regions.IRegionCollection
export interface IRegionCollection {
   * Adds a IRegion to the collection.
   * @param region Region to be added to the collection.
  Add(region: IRegion): void;
   * Removes a IRegion from the collection.
   * @param regionName Name of the region to be removed.
  Remove(regionName: string): boolean;
   * Checks if the collection contains a IRegion with the name received as parameter
   * @param regionName The name of the region to look for.
  ContainsRegionWithName(regionName: string): boolean;

   *  Tries to retrieve a region with the given name
   * @param {string} key region key
   * @param {(v: IRegion) => void} valueFunc function to process the retrieved value
   * @return {*}  {boolean} true if the region was retrieved
   * @memberof IRegionCollection
  tryGetValue(key: string, valueFunc: (v: IRegion) => void): boolean;

   *  Retrieves a region with the given name
   * @param {string} regionName the name of the region to retrieve
   * @return {*}  {IRegion}
   * @memberof IRegionCollection
  getItem(regionName: string): IRegion;

   *  Iteration protocol function
   * @return {*}  {Iterator<IRegion, any, undefined>}
   * @memberof IRegionCollection
  [Symbol.iterator](): Iterator<IRegion, any, undefined>;

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