


Service for the RadioButton group functionality.




emitUncheck(groupName: string, id: number)

Call the radio button uncheck handlers in the given group, except for the handler with the given ID. This should uncheck all radio buttons in the group except for one.

Parameters :
Name Type Optional
groupName string No
id number No
Returns : void


subscribe(groupName: string, handler: () => void)

Inserts the given handler into the corresponding group, and returns an ID for the handler.

Parameters :
Name Type Optional Description
groupName string No

The name of the group.

handler function No

The uncheck handler to insert.

Returns : number

{number} The ID assigned the handler.

unsubscribe(groupName: string, id: number)

Removes the handler with the given ID from the corresponding group.

Parameters :
Name Type Optional Description
groupName string No

The name of the group.

id number No

The ID of the handler to remove.

Returns : void



Private groupMap
Type : Map<string | RadioGroup>
Default value : new Map<string, RadioGroup>()

Maps group names to groups of uncheck handlers.

import { Injectable } from '@angular/core';

 * Stores a radio button uncheck handler, along with it's given ID.
 * @class RadioUnckeck
class RadioUnckeck {
   * Creates an instance of RadioUnckeck.
   * @param {number} id The handler's ID.
   * @param {() => void} uncheckHandler The radio button uncheck handler.
   * @memberof RadioUnckeck
  constructor(public id: number, public uncheckHandler: () => void) {}

 * Represents a set of radio button uncheck handlers which belong to the
 * same group.
 * @class RadioGroup
class RadioGroup {
   * Stores all uncheck handlers in this group.
   * @private
   * @type {RadioUnckeck[]}
   * @memberof RadioGroup
  private handlers: RadioUnckeck[] = [];

   * Stores the ID which will be assigned to the
   * next handler to add into the group.
   * @private
   * @memberof RadioGroup
  private maxId = 0;

   * Adds a radio button uncheck handler into the group.
   * This functions return an ID which must be used to remove the handler.
   * @param {() => void} handler The handler to add.
   * @return {*}  {number} The ID given to the handler.
   * @memberof RadioGroup
  add(handler: () => void): number {
    const id = this.nextId();
    this.handlers.push(new RadioUnckeck(id, handler));
    return id;

   * Removes the handler with the given ID from the group.
   * @param {number} id The ID of the handler to remove.
   * @memberof RadioGroup
  remove(id: number) {
    const idx = this.handlers.findIndex((x) => === id);
    if (idx !== -1) {
      this.handlers.splice(idx, 1);

   * Call all uncheck handlers in the group, except for the handler with the
   * given ID.
   * This should uncheck all radio buttons in the group except for one.
   * @param {number} id The ID of the handler which should not be called.
   * @memberof RadioGroup
  emitUncheck(id: number) {
    this.handlers.forEach((x) => {
      if ( !== id) {

   * Gets the amount of handlers in this group.
   * @readonly
   * @type {number}
   * @memberof RadioGroup
  get length(): number {
    return this.handlers.length;

   * Return the next ID to assign to a handler.
   * @private
   * @return {*}  {number} The ID.
   * @memberof RadioGroup
  private nextId(): number {
    return this.maxId++;

 * Service for the RadioButton group functionality.
 * @export
 * @class RadioGroupService
  providedIn: 'root',
export class RadioGroupService {
   * Maps group names to groups of uncheck handlers.
   * @private
   * @type {Map<string, RadioGroup>}
   * @memberof RadioGroupService
  private groupMap: Map<string, RadioGroup> = new Map<string, RadioGroup>();

   * Inserts the given handler into the corresponding group,
   * and returns an ID for the handler.
   * @param {string} groupName The name of the group.
   * @param {() => any} handler The uncheck handler to insert.
   * @return {*}  {number} The ID assigned the handler.
   * @memberof RadioGroupService
  subscribe(groupName: string, handler: () => any): number {
    let group = this.groupMap.get(groupName);
    if (group == null) {
      group = new RadioGroup();
      this.groupMap.set(groupName, group);

    return group.add(handler);

   * Removes the handler with the given ID from the corresponding group.
   * @param {string} groupName The name of the group.
   * @param {number} id The ID of the handler to remove.
   * @return {*}  {void}
   * @memberof RadioGroupService
  unsubscribe(groupName: string, id: number): void {
    const group = this.groupMap.get(groupName);
    if (group == null) {

    if (group.length === 0) {

   * Call the radio button uncheck handlers in the given group, except for
   * the handler with the given ID.
   * This should uncheck all radio buttons in the group except for one.
   * @param {string} groupName
   * @param {number} id
   * @return {*}  {void}
   * @memberof RadioGroupService
  emitUncheck(groupName: string, id: number): void {
    const group = this.groupMap.get(groupName);
    if (group == null) {


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