


Xam grid pagination settings as template






selector wm-pager-settings





Sets the value of the AllowPaging property.

Type : number | BindingInfo

Gets/sets what page of data will be displayed.

Type : number | BindingInfo

Allows to configure the number of items that will be displayed per page.

Type : any
Inherited from BaseComponent
Defined in BaseComponent:1197

Sets the controlTemplate Input property for changing the model's TemplateProperty

Inherited from BaseComponent
Defined in BaseComponent:1451

Property used to save the cursor value

Type : any
Inherited from BaseComponent
Defined in BaseComponent:952

Gets/sets the dataContext Input property for changing the model's DataContextProperty

Type : number
Default value : 22
Inherited from BaseComponent
Defined in BaseComponent:507

Represents the row height of both the DataGrid and XamGrid components it affects the css and also an internal function that virtualized data, so do not change directly on css, use this variable instead.

Type : any
Inherited from BaseComponent
Defined in BaseComponent:1223

Sets the value of the Foreground property

Inherited from BaseComponent
Defined in BaseComponent:1394

Sets the height

Inherited from BaseComponent
Defined in BaseComponent:1096

Sets the horizontal alignment.

Inherited from BaseComponent
Defined in BaseComponent:1125

Sets the horizontal content alignment.

Type : boolean
Default value : false
Inherited from BaseComponent
Defined in BaseComponent:380

Applies horizontal selfalign class. Flags indicates when the control should handle its own horizontal alignment and ignore container alignment.

Inherited from BaseComponent
Defined in BaseComponent:1008

Gets/sets the isEnabled property for the BaseComponent

Type : boolean
Inherited from BaseComponent
Defined in BaseComponent:760

Sets/gets IsTabStop property of the BaseComponent

Type : string
Inherited from BaseComponent
Defined in BaseComponent:782

Sets Margin property of the BaseComponent.

Type : any
Inherited from BaseComponent
Defined in BaseComponent:1325

Sets maxHeight

Type : any
Inherited from BaseComponent
Defined in BaseComponent:1283

Sets maxWidth

Type : any
Inherited from BaseComponent
Defined in BaseComponent:1304

Sets minHeight

Type : any
Inherited from BaseComponent
Defined in BaseComponent:1262

Sets min Width

Type : string
Inherited from BaseComponent
Defined in BaseComponent:1153

Sets the name model property for the control when the name is an input

Inherited from BaseComponent
Defined in BaseComponent:1336

Sets Opacity value property of the component

Type : boolean
Default value : false
Inherited from BaseComponent
Defined in BaseComponent:186

Flag to determinate if the component should do the spell check or not. Default value is false.

Inherited from BaseComponent
Defined in BaseComponent:1434

Sets the style

Type : number
Inherited from BaseComponent
Defined in BaseComponent:733

Sets the property TabIndex of the control model.

Type : any
Inherited from BaseComponent
Defined in BaseComponent:1171

Object used in the Tag property of the Button

Type : boolean
Default value : false
Inherited from BaseComponent
Defined in BaseComponent:177

Determines if the component uses CSS height/width values, instead of inputs

Inherited from BaseComponent
Defined in BaseComponent:1038

Sets the vertical alignment.

Inherited from BaseComponent
Defined in BaseComponent:1067

Sets the vertical content alignment.

Type : any
Inherited from BaseComponent
Defined in BaseComponent:980

Gets/sets the visibility property for the BaseComponent

Inherited from BaseComponent
Defined in BaseComponent:1365

Sets the width

Type : number
Inherited from BaseComponent
Defined in BaseComponent:1498

Property used to set the canvas zindex value.

Note: Consider moving this @Input to canvas.direcive.ts, refactoring the directive so all inputs are declared in the directive, and all @HostBindings are declared here in baseComponent, the directive would be responsible for updating the models, while baseComponent will be responsible for binding the values: zIndex, Top, Left...


Type : EventEmitter<PagingLocation>

Event emitter for two-way binding.

Type : EventEmitter<number>

Event emitter for two way binding

Type : EventEmitter<number>

Event emitter for two-way binding.

Type : EventEmitter<any>
Inherited from BaseComponent
Defined in BaseComponent:114

output to emit the new value of the bindingValidationError event

Type : EventEmitter<any>
Inherited from BaseComponent
Defined in BaseComponent:140

Output to emit when then component's layout is updated.

Type : EventEmitter<any>
Inherited from BaseComponent
Defined in BaseComponent:123

Output to emit when then component is loaded.

Type : EventEmitter<literal type>
Inherited from BaseComponent
Defined in BaseComponent:157

Event Emitter. EventEmitter normally called in the mouseEnterHandler.

Type : EventEmitter<literal type>
Inherited from BaseComponent
Defined in BaseComponent:167

Event Emitter Called in the mouseLeave handler

Type : EventEmitter<literal type>
Inherited from BaseComponent
Defined in BaseComponent:147

MouseLeftButtonUp event Emitter.

Type : EventEmitter<any>
Inherited from BaseComponent
Defined in BaseComponent:132

Output to emit when then component size is changed.


Type : string
Default value : null
Inherited from BaseComponent
Defined in BaseComponent:407

Applies custom CSS classes

Type : boolean
Default value : false
Inherited from BaseComponent
Defined in BaseComponent:398

Applies default font styles class, used to allow specificity for each control css

Type : boolean
Default value : false
Inherited from BaseComponent
Defined in BaseComponent:388

Display if the component is focusable or not

Type : boolean
Default value : false
Inherited from BaseComponent
Defined in BaseComponent:415

Applies Defined Cursor class

Type : boolean
Default value : false
Inherited from BaseComponent
Defined in BaseComponent:308

Applies horizontal alignment left class

Type : boolean
Default value : false
Inherited from BaseComponent
Defined in BaseComponent:298

Applies horizontal alignment left class

Type : boolean
Default value : false
Inherited from BaseComponent
Defined in BaseComponent:368

Applies horizontal alignment right class

Type : boolean
Default value : false
Inherited from BaseComponent
Defined in BaseComponent:358

Applies horizontal alignment stretch class

Type : boolean
Default value : false
Inherited from BaseComponent
Defined in BaseComponent:328

Applies vertical alignment bottom class

Type : boolean
Default value : false
Inherited from BaseComponent
Defined in BaseComponent:338

Applies vertical alignment center class

Type : boolean
Default value : false
Inherited from BaseComponent
Defined in BaseComponent:318

Applies horizontal alignment stretch class

Type : boolean
Default value : false
Inherited from BaseComponent
Defined in BaseComponent:348

Applies vertical alignment top class

Type : any
Default value : null
Inherited from BaseComponent
Defined in BaseComponent:243

Property use it to apply the host binding for the visibility

Type : any
Default value : null
Inherited from BaseComponent
Defined in BaseComponent:261

Property use it to apply the host binding for the font-family

Type : any
Default value : null
Inherited from BaseComponent
Defined in BaseComponent:270

Property use it to apply the host binding for the font-size

Type : any
Default value : null
Inherited from BaseComponent
Defined in BaseComponent:279

Property use it to apply the host binding for the font-style

Type : any
Default value : null
Inherited from BaseComponent
Defined in BaseComponent:288

Property use it to apply the host binding for the font-weight

Type : string
Default value : null
Inherited from BaseComponent
Defined in BaseComponent:218

Property use it to apply the host binding for the height

Type : number
Inherited from BaseComponent
Defined in BaseComponent:234

Property used to apply the host binding for max-height

Type : number
Inherited from BaseComponent
Defined in BaseComponent:210

Property used to apply the host binding for max-width

Type : number
Inherited from BaseComponent
Defined in BaseComponent:226

Property used to apply the host binding for min-height

Type : number
Inherited from BaseComponent
Defined in BaseComponent:202

Property used to apply the host binding for min-width

Type : any
Default value : null
Inherited from BaseComponent
Defined in BaseComponent:252

Property use it to apply the host binding for the opacity

Type : string
Default value : null
Inherited from BaseComponent
Defined in BaseComponent:194

Property use it to apply the host binding for the width

Type : string
Default value : null
Inherited from BaseComponent
Defined in BaseComponent:424

Sets the z-index style.


setupModelFromParent(parentModel: PagerSettings)

Update the current model with the new value from the xam grid parent instance. If the parent instance is already set, then update the model with the new values.

Parameters :
Name Type Optional Description
parentModel PagerSettings No
  • The parent model instance for the paging.
Returns : void
Protected alignmentHandler
Inherited from BaseComponent
Defined in BaseComponent:2346

Calculate the values for the grid size behavior from the alignments

Returns : void
Protected assignPendingPropertyValues
Inherited from BaseComponent
Defined in BaseComponent:2057

Apply pending assignments to properties with property values

Returns : void
calculateActualSize(name?: string)
Inherited from BaseComponent
Defined in BaseComponent:1674

If the name is equal to 'calculateActualSize', then call the handlerCalcActualSize function and pass in false to avoid the timer in the function.

memberof BaseComponent

Parameters :
Name Type Optional Description
name string Yes
  • The name of the event. memberof BaseComponent
Returns : void
Protected checkAndRegisterCompatibilityBinding
checkAndRegisterCompatibilityBinding(property: DependencyProperty, bindingObjectCandidate: any)
Inherited from BaseComponent
Defined in BaseComponent:2023

Verifies if the given object (bindingObjectCandidate) is a binding object. If so the binding will be registered.

Parameters :
Name Type Optional
property DependencyProperty No
bindingObjectCandidate any No
Returns : boolean

{boolean} true if the value is a binding info object and if the binding was registered, false if not

Protected checkForStaticResource
checkForStaticResource(property: string, value: any)
Inherited from BaseComponent
Defined in BaseComponent:2043

Checks if the given value is a static resource reference or not, if a reference then the value is queue for later assignment.

Parameters :
Name Type Optional Description
property string No

the name of the property to check for

value any No

the property value

Returns : boolean

true if the value is a static resource reference, otherwise false

checkStaticItemInModelCollection(collection: any, itemToCheck: any)
Inherited from BaseComponent
Defined in BaseComponent:1889

Checks if the element exists previously in the items collection

Parameters :
Name Type Optional Description
collection any No

The control items collection

itemToCheck any No

The static element to be reviewed

Returns : number

number Returns -1 if the item is not present in the items collection otherwise the index value

createElementInRoot(injector: Injector, componentToCreate: any)
Inherited from BaseComponent
Defined in BaseComponent:2698

Create a given component on the HTML body.

Parameters :
Name Type Optional
injector Injector No
componentToCreate any No
Returns : ComponentRef<any>
Inherited from BaseComponent
Defined in BaseComponent:1549

Returns the correct CSS cursor style and sets the definedCursor flag if necessary

Returns : string


Inherited from BaseComponent
Defined in BaseComponent:813

Performs a single detect Changes over the component

Returns : void
Inherited from BaseComponent
Defined in BaseComponent:1686

Handle subscription to the notifyDetectChanges action Refresh the component whenever a model modification was performed

Returns : void
Inherited from BaseComponent
Defined in BaseComponent:1966

Calculates the Foreground color to be applied

Returns : string


getImageString(value: any)
Inherited from BaseComponent
Defined in BaseComponent:2221

Returns string path to the image.

Parameters :
Name Type Optional
value any No
Returns : any
getTargetValue(e: Event)
Inherited from BaseComponent
Defined in BaseComponent:2239

Returns the value from a $event

Parameters :
Name Type Optional
e Event No
Returns : string
Protected handlerCalcActualSize
handlerCalcActualSize(async: boolean)
Inherited from BaseComponent
Defined in BaseComponent:2391

Handler that calculates ActualHeight & ActualWidth based on its inner content.

Parameters :
Name Type Optional
async boolean No
Returns : void
Inherited from BaseComponent
Defined in BaseComponent:1939

Applies the height CSS value

Returns : any
Inherited from BaseComponent
Defined in BaseComponent:1914

Calculates the auto height value

Returns : string


Protected hostHorizontalAlignmentCall
Inherited from BaseComponent
Defined in BaseComponent:2374

Assign all the horizontal bindings for the control

Returns : void
Protected hostVerticalAlignmentCall
Inherited from BaseComponent
Defined in BaseComponent:2357

Assign all the vertical bindings for the control

Returns : void
imageToPath(value: any)
Inherited from BaseComponent
Defined in BaseComponent:2202

Returns the path of the given image.

Parameters :
Name Type Optional
value any No
Returns : any
loadStaticItems(staticItems: any, itemsCollection: any)
Inherited from BaseComponent
Defined in BaseComponent:1634
Parameters :
Name Type Optional Description
staticItems any No

The static elements to be added

itemsCollection any No

The control items collection

Returns : void


Private markForCheckComp
Inherited from BaseComponent
Defined in BaseComponent:2451

Marks current component

Returns : void
modelChangeHandler(name?: string)
Inherited from BaseComponent
Defined in BaseComponent:1650

Method to handle the model's change

Parameters :
Name Type Optional Description
name string Yes
  • property name that change
Returns : void
mouseEnterHandler(event: any)
Inherited from BaseComponent
Defined in BaseComponent:1982

Event Handler for when the mouse enter the Image component.

Parameters :
Name Type Optional Description
event any No
  • event from the DOM event
Returns : void
mouseLeaveHandler(event: any)
Inherited from BaseComponent
Defined in BaseComponent:2001

Event Handler for when the mouse enter the Image component.

Parameters :
Name Type Optional Description
event any No
  • event from the DOM event
Returns : void
Public ngAfterContentChecked
Inherited from BaseComponent
Defined in BaseComponent:867

Angular Lifecycle Hooks

Returns : void
Public ngAfterContentInit
Inherited from BaseComponent
Defined in BaseComponent:857

Angular Lifecycle Hooks

Returns : void
Public ngAfterViewChecked
Inherited from BaseComponent
Defined in BaseComponent:893

Angular Lifecycle Hooks

Returns : void
Public ngAfterViewInit
Inherited from BaseComponent
Defined in BaseComponent:877

Angular Lifecycle Hooks

Returns : void
Public ngDoCheck
Inherited from BaseComponent
Defined in BaseComponent:847

Angular Lifecycle Hooks

Returns : void
Public ngOnChanges
Inherited from BaseComponent
Defined in BaseComponent:824

Angular Lifecycle Hooks

Returns : void
Public ngOnDestroy
Inherited from BaseComponent
Defined in BaseComponent:906

Cleanup operations for base component

Returns : void
Public ngOnInit
Inherited from BaseComponent
Defined in BaseComponent:834

Angular Lifecycle Hooks

Returns : void
preventItemsDuplication(itemsToRender: any, items: any, contentChildTemplate: any, afterContentInitCalled: boolean, injector: Injector)
Inherited from BaseComponent
Defined in BaseComponent:2170

Validates if coming models are the same, and prevents to be recreated on Ribbon DOM. (Needs to be checked, in some statics scenarios RibbonTab, RibbonGroup duplicates items)

Parameters :
Name Type Optional
itemsToRender any No
items any No
contentChildTemplate any No
afterContentInitCalled boolean No
injector Injector No
Returns : any[]
processAlignments(name: string)
Inherited from BaseComponent
Defined in BaseComponent:1704

Method to check if the component should assign a alignment property

Parameters :
Name Type Optional
name string No
Returns : void


processCursor(name: string)
Inherited from BaseComponent
Defined in BaseComponent:1850

Method to set the cursor style of the component

Parameters :
Name Type Optional
name string No
Returns : void
processCustomCssClasses(name: string)
Inherited from BaseComponent
Defined in BaseComponent:1723

Method to set custom CSS Clases

Parameters :
Name Type Optional
name string No
Returns : void


processFocusable(name: string)
Inherited from BaseComponent
Defined in BaseComponent:1816

Method to check and set the height of the grid

Parameters :
Name Type Optional
name string No
Returns : void
Private processFontFamily
processFontFamily(name: string)
Inherited from BaseComponent
Defined in BaseComponent:2784

Process the FontFamily property

Parameters :
Name Type Optional
name string No
Returns : any
processFonts(name: string)
Inherited from BaseComponent
Defined in BaseComponent:1778

Method to apply the font styles for the component.

Parameters :
Name Type Optional
name string No
Returns : void
Private processFontSize
processFontSize(name: string)
Inherited from BaseComponent
Defined in BaseComponent:2798

Process the FontSize property

Parameters :
Name Type Optional
name string No
Returns : any
Private processFontStyle
processFontStyle(name: string)
Inherited from BaseComponent
Defined in BaseComponent:2815

Process the FontStyle property

Parameters :
Name Type Optional
name string No
Returns : any
Private processFontWeight
processFontWeight(name: string)
Inherited from BaseComponent
Defined in BaseComponent:2832

Process the FontWeight property

Parameters :
Name Type Optional
name string No
Returns : any
processHeights(name: string)
Inherited from BaseComponent
Defined in BaseComponent:1797

Method to check and set the height of the grid

Parameters :
Name Type Optional
name string No
Returns : void
processIsEnabled(name: string)
Inherited from BaseComponent
Defined in BaseComponent:1764

Process changes to IsEnabled property.

Parameters :
Name Type Optional
name string No
Returns : void
processOpacity(name: string)
Inherited from BaseComponent
Defined in BaseComponent:1751

Method to apply the opacity for the component.

Parameters :
Name Type Optional
name string No
Returns : void
processVisibility(name: string)
Inherited from BaseComponent
Defined in BaseComponent:1737

Method to check if the component should be show or hide.

Parameters :
Name Type Optional
name string No
Returns : void
processWidths(name: string)
Inherited from BaseComponent
Defined in BaseComponent:1829

Method to check and set the width of the grid

Parameters :
Name Type Optional
name string No
Returns : void
Private processZIndex
processZIndex(name: string)
Inherited from BaseComponent
Defined in BaseComponent:1872

Method to process the ZIndex when set through the model

Parameters :
Name Type Optional
name string No
Returns : void
Private recreateInvalidBindings
Inherited from BaseComponent
Defined in BaseComponent:2756

Execution of removeModelProxyHandlers in a previous instance of the component (that used the same model) could have set some bindings in an invalid state, this will check if some of them has to be recreated

Returns : void
Private registerContextMenuActions
registerContextMenuActions(ctxMenu: ContextMenuManager)
Inherited from BaseComponent
Defined in BaseComponent:2533

Enable the contextMenu actions to be displayed when the user perform an action Creates dinamically a new instance of XamContextMenu to be displayed in the screen

Parameters :
Name Type Optional
ctxMenu ContextMenuManager No
Returns : void
Protected registerDomEventListenerOnElement
registerDomEventListenerOnElement(eventName: string, handler: any)
Inherited from BaseComponent
Defined in BaseComponent:2316

Registers a DOM handler on the current element

Parameters :
Name Type Optional
eventName string No
handler any No
Returns : void
Protected registerHandler
registerHandler(event: SubscriptionEvent<void>, arrowHandler: (s: any,a: any) => void)
Inherited from BaseComponent
Defined in BaseComponent:2298

Register arrow handler into the given SubscriptionEvent with unregister handling when component destroy.

Parameters :
Name Type Optional
event SubscriptionEvent<void> No
arrowHandler function No
Returns : void
Protected registerMouseEvents
Inherited from BaseComponent
Defined in BaseComponent:2272

Registers mouse events if required

Returns : void
Protected registerObservers
registerObservers(emitter: EventEmitter, model: FrameworkElement, event: SubscriptionEvent<void>)
Inherited from BaseComponent
Defined in BaseComponent:2252

Register observers from the given EventEmitter into the given SubscriptionEvent.

Parameters :
Name Type Optional
emitter EventEmitter<any> No
model FrameworkElement No
event SubscriptionEvent<void> No
Returns : void
Private registerToolTip
registerToolTip(element: ElementRef, tooltip: ToolTipModel)
Inherited from BaseComponent
Defined in BaseComponent:2607

Registers a tooltip to a component

Parameters :
Name Type Optional
element ElementRef<any> No
tooltip ToolTipModel No
Returns : void
Private removeModelProxyHandlers
Inherited from BaseComponent
Defined in BaseComponent:2738

Clean up the handlers when the component is destroyed

Returns : void
Private setComponentForDirectives
Inherited from BaseComponent
Defined in BaseComponent:2512

Sets an internal reference through the element ref to access the component in a directive

Returns : void
Protected setPendingPropertyValue
setPendingPropertyValue(property: string, value: any)
Inherited from BaseComponent
Defined in BaseComponent:2336

Stores the pending property values for instance attach properties. Which will be applied when the model is available

Parameters :
Name Type Optional
property string No
value any No
Returns : void
setupDependencyComponents(model: FrameworkElement)
Inherited from BaseComponent
Defined in BaseComponent:1612

Adds the references to the dependency components

Parameters :
Name Type Optional
model FrameworkElement No
Returns : void
setupModel(model: FrameworkElement)
Inherited from BaseComponent
Defined in BaseComponent:1559

Syncs the modelProxy with model

Parameters :
Name Type Optional
model FrameworkElement No
Returns : void


Private syncToolTip
syncToolTip(tooltip: ToolTipModel)
Inherited from BaseComponent
Defined in BaseComponent:2587

Updates the tooltip associated to a component

Parameters :
Name Type Optional
tooltip ToolTipModel No
Returns : void
Private syncValidationError
syncValidationError(name?: string)
Inherited from BaseComponent
Defined in BaseComponent:2766

Syncs validation information with component properties

Parameters :
Name Type Optional
name string Yes
Returns : void
Private tabSelectionSubscription
Inherited from BaseComponent
Defined in BaseComponent:2471

Subscribe to the tabhandler event if Required When the component is inside a tab control it should trigger the load event every time the tab is selected

Returns : void
trackByFn(index: any, item: any)
Inherited from BaseComponent
Defined in BaseComponent:1904

Function used by Angular to track elements in the ngFor directive. We use the GUID property to compare elements.

Parameters :
Name Type Optional Description
index any No
  • index of the array
item any No
  • item of the array
Returns : any

{*} -return the model or object itself

Private unregisterToolTip
unregisterToolTip(element: ElementRef)
Inherited from BaseComponent
Defined in BaseComponent:2719

Unregisters a tooltip to a component

Parameters :
Name Type Optional
element ElementRef<any> No
Returns : void
Private updateSizePropertiesForActualSizeChange
updateSizePropertiesForActualSizeChange(element: Element)
Inherited from BaseComponent
Defined in BaseComponent:2421

Updates the size properties of the component based on the initial size change

Parameters :
Name Type Optional Description
element Element No

HTML element

Returns : void
Inherited from BaseComponent
Defined in BaseComponent:1519

Validates loading flag for components outside current tab index TabIndexService should be only tabItem provider, and when currentTabId is different from selectedTab IsFirstTimeLoad is set to false because tabService is going to be one in charge to trigger only one time when tab changes.

Returns : void
Inherited from BaseComponent
Defined in BaseComponent:1953

Applies the width CSS value

Returns : any
Inherited from BaseComponent
Defined in BaseComponent:1926

Calculates the auto width value

Returns : string



Type : EventEmitter<PagingLocation>
Default value : new EventEmitter<PagingLocation>()
Decorators :

Event emitter for two-way binding.

Type : EventEmitter<number>
Default value : new EventEmitter<number>()
Decorators :

Event emitter for two way binding

Public model
Default value : new PagerSettings()

Pager settings model

Type : EventEmitter<number>
Default value : new EventEmitter<number>()
Decorators :

Event emitter for two-way binding.

Default value : false
Inherited from BaseComponent
Defined in BaseComponent:481

Flag to know if the Angular event was called

Default value : false
Inherited from BaseComponent
Defined in BaseComponent:465

Flag to know if the Angular event was called

Default value : false
Inherited from BaseComponent
Defined in BaseComponent:473

Flag to know if the Angular event was called

Default value : false
Inherited from BaseComponent
Defined in BaseComponent:457

Flag to know if the Angular event was called

Private bindingValidationCallback
Type : function
Inherited from BaseComponent
Defined in BaseComponent:618

Callback for binding validation

Type : EventEmitter<any>
Default value : new EventEmitter()
Decorators :
Inherited from BaseComponent
Defined in BaseComponent:114

output to emit the new value of the bindingValidationError event

Private cdRefInjection
Type : ChangeDetectorRef
Inherited from BaseComponent
Defined in BaseComponent:659

Change Detector Reference for the component

Private changeDetectionTimer
Type : any
Inherited from BaseComponent
Defined in BaseComponent:668

A timer to debounce changedetection actions

Protected changeDetectorNotifier
Type : ChangeDectionNotifierService
Inherited from BaseComponent
Defined in BaseComponent:576

Change Detection Notifier Service instace.

Private contextMenuUnlistener
Type : function
Inherited from BaseComponent
Defined in BaseComponent:676

Context Menu event unlisten action.

Private ctxMenuInstance
Type : any
Inherited from BaseComponent
Defined in BaseComponent:630

Reference to the ctxMenuInstance

Type : string
Default value : null
Decorators :
Inherited from BaseComponent
Defined in BaseComponent:407

Applies custom CSS classes

Private customTooltipInstance
Type : any
Default value : null
Inherited from BaseComponent
Defined in BaseComponent:641

Reference to the custom tooltip instance this is used to render a popup with custom elements used when the content value is not a string

Type : number
Default value : 22
Decorators :
Inherited from BaseComponent
Defined in BaseComponent:507

Represents the row height of both the DataGrid and XamGrid components it affects the css and also an internal function that virtualized data, so do not change directly on css, use this variable instead.

Protected domHandlerUnListeners
Type : Array<void>
Inherited from BaseComponent
Defined in BaseComponent:567

A collection (possible undefined) of DOM unlistener functions . That is, functions to de register handlers

Type : Subscription
Default value : null
Inherited from BaseComponent
Defined in BaseComponent:449

Flag to control load event for components inside tab control

Default value : false
Decorators :
Inherited from BaseComponent
Defined in BaseComponent:388

Display if the component is focusable or not

Protected handlersToUnregister
Type : Array<>
Default value : []
Inherited from BaseComponent
Defined in BaseComponent:558

handlers to unregister when the component is destroyed

Default value : false
Decorators :
Inherited from BaseComponent
Defined in BaseComponent:415

Applies Defined Cursor class

Type : any
Default value : null
Decorators :
Inherited from BaseComponent
Defined in BaseComponent:261

Property use it to apply the host binding for the font-family

Type : any
Default value : null
Decorators :
Inherited from BaseComponent
Defined in BaseComponent:270

Property use it to apply the host binding for the font-size

Type : any
Default value : null
Decorators :
Inherited from BaseComponent
Defined in BaseComponent:279

Property use it to apply the host binding for the font-style

Default value : false
Decorators :
Inherited from BaseComponent
Defined in BaseComponent:398

Applies default font styles class, used to allow specificity for each control css

Type : any
Default value : null
Decorators :
Inherited from BaseComponent
Defined in BaseComponent:288

Property use it to apply the host binding for the font-weight

Type : string
Default value : null
Decorators :
Inherited from BaseComponent
Defined in BaseComponent:218

Property use it to apply the host binding for the height

Default value : false
Decorators :
Inherited from BaseComponent
Defined in BaseComponent:308

Applies horizontal alignment left class

Default value : false
Decorators :
Inherited from BaseComponent
Defined in BaseComponent:298

Applies horizontal alignment left class

Default value : false
Decorators :
Inherited from BaseComponent
Defined in BaseComponent:368

Applies horizontal alignment right class

Default value : false
Decorators :
Inherited from BaseComponent
Defined in BaseComponent:380

Applies horizontal selfalign class. Flags indicates when the control should handle its own horizontal alignment and ignore container alignment.

Default value : false
Decorators :
Inherited from BaseComponent
Defined in BaseComponent:358

Applies horizontal alignment stretch class

Type : number
Decorators :
Inherited from BaseComponent
Defined in BaseComponent:234

Property used to apply the host binding for max-height

Type : number
Decorators :
Inherited from BaseComponent
Defined in BaseComponent:210

Property used to apply the host binding for max-width

Type : number
Decorators :
Inherited from BaseComponent
Defined in BaseComponent:226

Property used to apply the host binding for min-height

Type : number
Decorators :
Inherited from BaseComponent
Defined in BaseComponent:202

Property used to apply the host binding for min-width

Type : any
Default value : null
Decorators :
Inherited from BaseComponent
Defined in BaseComponent:252

Property use it to apply the host binding for the opacity

Default value : false
Decorators :
Inherited from BaseComponent
Defined in BaseComponent:328

Applies vertical alignment bottom class

Default value : false
Decorators :
Inherited from BaseComponent
Defined in BaseComponent:338

Applies vertical alignment center class

Default value : false
Decorators :
Inherited from BaseComponent
Defined in BaseComponent:318

Applies horizontal alignment stretch class

Default value : false
Decorators :
Inherited from BaseComponent
Defined in BaseComponent:348

Applies vertical alignment top class

Type : any
Default value : null
Decorators :
Inherited from BaseComponent
Defined in BaseComponent:243

Property use it to apply the host binding for the visibility

Type : string
Default value : null
Decorators :
Inherited from BaseComponent
Defined in BaseComponent:194

Property use it to apply the host binding for the width

Type : string
Default value : null
Decorators :
Inherited from BaseComponent
Defined in BaseComponent:424

Sets the z-index style.

Type : any
Default value : undefined
Inherited from BaseComponent
Defined in BaseComponent:523

Flag to know if the component is ready to render

Default value : false
Inherited from BaseComponent
Defined in BaseComponent:515

Flag which indicates that the component is an internal use for inheritance

Type : EventEmitter<any>
Default value : new EventEmitter()
Decorators :
Inherited from BaseComponent
Defined in BaseComponent:140

Output to emit when then component's layout is updated.

Type : EventEmitter<any>
Default value : new EventEmitter()
Decorators :
Inherited from BaseComponent
Defined in BaseComponent:123

Output to emit when then component is loaded.

Protected modelChangeRef
Type : function
Inherited from BaseComponent
Defined in BaseComponent:601

Contains the reference of the function added for handle the model's change

Protected modelProxy
Type : any
Default value : null
Inherited from BaseComponent
Defined in BaseComponent:531

ModelProxy is a copy of the model, used on the component initial building to prevent crashes with external bindings.

Type : EventEmitter<literal type>
Default value : new EventEmitter()
Decorators :
Inherited from BaseComponent
Defined in BaseComponent:157

Event Emitter. EventEmitter normally called in the mouseEnterHandler.

Type : EventEmitter<literal type>
Default value : new EventEmitter()
Decorators :
Inherited from BaseComponent
Defined in BaseComponent:167

Event Emitter Called in the mouseLeave handler

Private mouseLeaveTooltipUnlistener
Type : function
Default value : null
Inherited from BaseComponent
Defined in BaseComponent:684

Mouse over event for tooltip unlisten action.

Type : EventEmitter<literal type>
Default value : new EventEmitter<any>()
Decorators :
Inherited from BaseComponent
Defined in BaseComponent:147

MouseLeftButtonUp event Emitter.

Private mouseMoveTooltipUnlistener
Type : function
Default value : null
Inherited from BaseComponent
Defined in BaseComponent:701

Mouse move event for tooltip unlisten action. This should have a short lifespan, as much as it takes for the tooltip to be shown

Private mouseOverTooltipUnlistener
Type : function
Default value : null
Inherited from BaseComponent
Defined in BaseComponent:692

Mouse over event for tooltip unlisten action.

Protected ngZone
Type : NgZone
Inherited from BaseComponent
Defined in BaseComponent:585

AngularĀ“s NgZone accessor

Protected pendingDependencyPropertyValue
Type : Array<>
Default value : []
Inherited from BaseComponent
Defined in BaseComponent:549

A collection of pending dependency properties values to assign to the model

Protected pendingSetValues
Type : Array<>
Default value : []
Inherited from BaseComponent
Defined in BaseComponent:540

A collection of pending values to assign to the model

Protected renderer2
Type : Renderer2
Inherited from BaseComponent
Defined in BaseComponent:594

AngularĀ“s Renderer2

Type : EventEmitter<any>
Default value : new EventEmitter()
Decorators :
Inherited from BaseComponent
Defined in BaseComponent:132

Output to emit when then component size is changed.

Private sizeChangedPendingTimeout
Type : any
Inherited from BaseComponent
Defined in BaseComponent:610

Timeout id for triggering the sizechanged event

Default value : false
Decorators :
Inherited from BaseComponent
Defined in BaseComponent:186

Flag to determinate if the component should do the spell check or not. Default value is false.

Type : any
Default value : null
Inherited from BaseComponent
Defined in BaseComponent:432

cache the static content of the control to validate if the current data is not equals.

Type : Subscription
Default value : null
Inherited from BaseComponent
Defined in BaseComponent:440

TabSelection event subscription

Private tooltipMousePosition
Type : DOMRect
Default value : null
Inherited from BaseComponent
Defined in BaseComponent:710

To track the position of the mouse while the tooltip is being displayed

Private toolTipTimeout
Type : any
Default value : null
Inherited from BaseComponent
Defined in BaseComponent:650

To control the timer to show the tooltip

Default value : false
Decorators :
Inherited from BaseComponent
Defined in BaseComponent:177

Determines if the component uses CSS height/width values, instead of inputs

Default value : false
Inherited from BaseComponent
Defined in BaseComponent:488

Property to set the validationError class in the component

Type : string
Default value : ''
Inherited from BaseComponent
Defined in BaseComponent:496

Property for specifying validation error message



Gets the value of the AllowPaging from the model.

Returns : PagingLocation

Gets the value of the AllowPaging property as a string.

setallowPaging(value: BindingInfo | string)

Sets the value of the AllowPaging property.

Parameters :
Name Type Optional
value BindingInfo | string No
Returns : void

Allows to configure the number of items that will be displayed per page.

setpageSize(value: number | BindingInfo)
Parameters :
Name Type Optional
value number | BindingInfo No
Returns : void

Gets/sets what page of data will be displayed.

setcurrentPageIndex(value: number | BindingInfo)
Parameters :
Name Type Optional
value number | BindingInfo No
Returns : void
import { Component, EventEmitter, Input, OnInit, Output } from '@angular/core';
import {
} from '@mobilize/wms-framework';
import { Utils } from '../../utils';
import { BaseComponent } from '../base/base.component';

 * Placeholder for the pagination settings template object
 * @export
 * @class XamGridPagerSettingsComponent
  selector: 'wm-xam-grid-pager-settings',
  template: `<ng-content></ng-content>`,
export class XamGridPagerSettingsComponent {}

 * Xam grid pagination settings as template
 * @export
 * @class PagerSettingsComponent
  selector: 'wm-pager-settings',
  template: ``,
export class PagerSettingsComponent extends BaseComponent implements OnInit {
   * Gets the value of the AllowPaging from the model.
   * @memberof PagerSettingsComponent
  public get allowPagingValue(): PagingLocation {
    return this.model.AllowPaging;

   * Gets the value of the AllowPaging property as a string.
   * @memberof PagerSettingsComponent
  public get allowPaging(): BindingInfo | string {
    let allowPagingString = '';
    switch (this.model.AllowPaging) {
      case PagingLocation.Both:
        allowPagingString = 'Both';
      case PagingLocation.Bottom:
        allowPagingString = 'Bottom';
      case PagingLocation.Hidden:
        allowPagingString = 'Hidden';
      case PagingLocation.Top:
        allowPagingString = 'Top';
        allowPagingString = 'None';
    return allowPagingString;

   * Sets the value of the AllowPaging property.
   * @memberof PagerSettingsComponent
  public set allowPaging(value: BindingInfo | string) {
    /* istanbul ignore else */
    if (
    ) {
      /* istanbul ignore else */
      if (PagingLocation[value as string] !== undefined) {
        this.model.AllowPaging = PagingLocation[value as string];

   * Event emitter for two-way binding.
   * @type {EventEmitter<PagingLocation>}
   * @memberof PagerSettingsComponent
  allowPagingChange: EventEmitter<PagingLocation> = new EventEmitter<PagingLocation>();

   * Allows to configure the number of items that will be displayed per page.
   * @memberof PagerSettingsComponent
  public get pageSize(): number | BindingInfo {
    return this.model.PageSize;

  public set pageSize(value: number | BindingInfo) {
    /* istanbul ignore else */
    if (
    ) {
      this.model.PageSize = value as number;

   * Event emitter for two-way binding.
   * @type {EventEmitter<number>}
   * @memberof PagerSettingsComponent
  pageSizeChange: EventEmitter<number> = new EventEmitter<number>();

   * Gets/sets what page of data will be displayed.
   * @memberof PagerSettingsComponent
  public get currentPageIndex(): number | BindingInfo {
    return this.model.CurrentPageIndex;

  public set currentPageIndex(value: number | BindingInfo) {
    /* istanbul ignore else */
    if (
    ) {
      this.model.CurrentPageIndex = value as number;

   * Event emitter for two way binding
   * @type {EventEmitter<number>}
   * @memberof PagerSettingsComponent
  currentPageIndexChange: EventEmitter<number> = new EventEmitter<number>();

   * Pager settings model
   * @memberof PagerSettingsComponent
  public model = new PagerSettings();

   * Update the current model with the new value from the xam grid parent instance.
   * If the parent instance is already set, then update the model with the new values.
   * @param {PagerSettings} parentModel - The parent model instance for the paging.
   * @memberof PagerSettingsComponent
  setupModelFromParent(parentModel: PagerSettings) {
    const mergeModel = Utils.mergeObjects(this.model, parentModel);
Html element
Html element with directive

result-matching ""

    No results matching ""