


Column Base class for the xam grid column








Private _layout
Type : ColumnLayout

private field for the column layout

Public DataType
Type : "string" | "number" | "date" | "boolean"
Default value : 'string'

DataType property.

Type : RuntimeStyleInfo

property to add a footer style

Public HeaderText
Type : string
Decorators :

Gets or sets the HeaderText

Static HeaderTextProperty
Type : DependencyProperty
Default value : new DependencyProperty( 'HeaderText', '', null )

HeaderTextProperty dependency property

Public Key
Type : string
Decorators :

Gets or sets the key

Static KeyProperty
Type : DependencyProperty
Default value : new DependencyProperty( 'Key', '', null )

KeyProperty dependency property

Type : SubscriptionEvent<void>
Default value : new SubscriptionEvent()
Public Tag
Type : unknown
Decorators :

Gets or sets the tag

Static TagProperty
Type : DependencyProperty
Default value : new DependencyProperty( 'Tag', null, null )

TagProperty dependency property

Public Visibility
Type : boolean
Decorators :

Gets or sets the visibility

Static VisibilityProperty
Type : DependencyProperty
Default value : new DependencyProperty( 'Visibility', true, null )

VisibilityProperty dependency property

Protected bindingExpressions
Default value : new SimpleDictionary< string, BindingExpression >()
Inherited from DependencyObject
Public BindingValidationError
Default value : new SubscriptionEvent< (sender: any, e: BindingValidationErrorEventArgs) => void >()
Inherited from DependencyObject

Event for validation errors

Public change
Type : SubscriptionEvent<void>
Default value : new SubscriptionEvent()
Inherited from DependencyObject

Infrastructure event for notifying event changes

Public Dispatcher
Type : Dispatcher
Default value : Dispatcher.GetDispatcher()
Inherited from DependencyObject
Type : boolean
Default value : true
Inherited from DependencyObject

Flag which indicates if the dependency property set mechanism is enable

Public IsInitializingBindings
Type : boolean
Default value : false
Inherited from DependencyObject

Property to determine if bindings are being initialized

Type : string
Default value : ''
Inherited from DependencyObject
Protected properties
Type : object
Default value : {}
Inherited from DependencyObject
Private setPropertiesRegistry
Type : Map<string | boolean>
Default value : new Map()
Inherited from DependencyObject

Registry with dependencies properties which has been set

Default value : false
Inherited from DependencyObject
Type : Array<>
Default value : []
Inherited from DependencyObject

Keeps a queue of validation messages registered on the current Dependency Object



method call when the column layout is changed

Returns : void
Private addRelatedSubscriptionIfRequired
addRelatedSubscriptionIfRequired(event: SubscriptionEvent<any>, theHandler: any, bindingExpression: BindingExpression)
Inherited from DependencyObject
Parameters :
Name Type Optional
event SubscriptionEvent<any> No
theHandler any No
bindingExpression BindingExpression No
Returns : void
Private addSubscriptionForTwoWayBindings
addSubscriptionForTwoWayBindings(dependencyProperty: DependencyProperty, binding: Binding, bindingExpression: BindingExpression)
Inherited from DependencyObject
Parameters :
Name Type Optional
dependencyProperty DependencyProperty No
binding Binding No
bindingExpression BindingExpression No
Returns : void
addsValidationMessage(propKey: Binding | string, message: string)
Inherited from DependencyObject

Adds a new validation message associated to a binding or a property name

Parameters :
Name Type Optional
propKey Binding | string No
message string No
Returns : void
Private beginSubscribeToMultiPropertyPathChanges
beginSubscribeToMultiPropertyPathChanges(context: any, binding: Binding, dependencyProperty: DependencyProperty, bindingExpression: BindingExpression)
Inherited from DependencyObject
Parameters :
Name Type Optional
context any No
binding Binding No
dependencyProperty DependencyProperty No
bindingExpression BindingExpression No
Returns : void
Private checkForSubscriptoinToDataErrorInfo
checkForSubscriptoinToDataErrorInfo(currentContext: any, binding: Binding, propertyToSubscribe: string, bindingExpression: BindingExpression)
Inherited from DependencyObject
Parameters :
Name Type Optional
currentContext any No
binding Binding No
propertyToSubscribe string No
bindingExpression BindingExpression No
Returns : void
Public clearValue
clearValue(property: DependencyProperty)
Inherited from DependencyObject

Clears the dependency property value

Parameters :
Name Type Optional
property DependencyProperty No
Returns : void
Equals(obj: any)
Inherited from DependencyObject

Compares this dependency object agains another object.

Parameters :
Name Type Optional
obj any No
Returns : boolean


GetChild(idx: number)
Inherited from DependencyObject

Gets the child element at the index position

Parameters :
Name Type Optional
idx number No
Returns : DependencyObject


Inherited from DependencyObject

Method o know the amount of children the parent has

Returns : number


Inherited from DependencyObject

Gets a hash code for this dependency object.

Returns : number


Public getValue
getValue(property: DependencyProperty)
Inherited from DependencyObject

Gets the value of a dependency property

Parameters :
Name Type Optional
property DependencyProperty No
Returns : any
Private handleErrorsOnContext
handleErrorsOnContext(errorCtxt: INotifyDataErrorInfo, args: DataErrorsChangedEventArgs)
Inherited from DependencyObject

Check and register possible errors in an error context

Parameters :
Name Type Optional
errorCtxt INotifyDataErrorInfo No
args DataErrorsChangedEventArgs No
Returns : void
Public IsPropertySet
IsPropertySet(propertyName: string)
Inherited from DependencyObject

Indicates if the property has been already set.

Parameters :
Name Type Optional
propertyName string No
Returns : any
Private performDataErrorValidationIfRequired
performDataErrorValidationIfRequired(binding: Binding, theBindingContext: any)
Inherited from DependencyObject

Performs validation on model if the model implementes IDataErrorINfo

Parameters :
Name Type Optional
binding Binding No
theBindingContext any No
Returns : void
Private performRemoveValidationIfInValidationError
performRemoveValidationIfInValidationError(binding: Binding)
Inherited from DependencyObject

Performs the remove validation if the InValidationError is true

Parameters :
Name Type Optional
binding Binding No
Returns : void
Public performTargetObjectBindingUpdate
performTargetObjectBindingUpdate(dependencyProperty: DependencyProperty, binding: Binding)
Inherited from DependencyObject

Updates the target object value associated to the binding.

Parameters :
Name Type Optional
dependencyProperty DependencyProperty No
binding Binding No
Returns : void
Private preprocessValue
preprocessValue(property: DependencyProperty, value: any)
Inherited from DependencyObject

Preprocess value to be set to dependency property

Parameters :
Name Type Optional
property DependencyProperty No
value any No
Returns : any
Private recreateSubscriptionsForMultiPropertyBindingPath
recreateSubscriptionsForMultiPropertyBindingPath(currentContext: any, outerContext: any, properties: string[], propertyIndex: number, dependencyProperty: DependencyProperty, bindingExpression: BindingExpression, subscriptionsForCurrentBindingPath: Array<>)
Inherited from DependencyObject
Parameters :
Name Type Optional
currentContext any No
outerContext any No
properties string[] No
propertyIndex number No
dependencyProperty DependencyProperty No
bindingExpression BindingExpression No
subscriptionsForCurrentBindingPath Array<> No
Returns : void
Private registerSetPropertyIfRequired
registerSetPropertyIfRequired(name: string)
Inherited from DependencyObject

Register set property if required

Parameters :
Name Type Optional
name string No
Returns : void
Private removeSubscriptionsForMultiPropertyBindingPath
removeSubscriptionsForMultiPropertyBindingPath(subscriptionsForCurrentBindingPath: [], propertyIndex: number)
Inherited from DependencyObject
Parameters :
Name Type Optional
subscriptionsForCurrentBindingPath [] No
propertyIndex number No
Returns : void
removeValidationMessage(propKey: Binding | string)
Inherited from DependencyObject

Removes a validation message associated to a binding or a property name

Parameters :
Name Type Optional
propKey Binding | string No
Returns : void
SetBinding(dependencyProperty: DependencyProperty, binding: Binding)
Inherited from DependencyObject

Sets a binding to the specified property at runtime

Parameters :
Name Type Optional Description
dependencyProperty DependencyProperty No

property to bind

binding Binding No

binding object

Returns : void
Public setValue
setValue(property: DependencyProperty, value: any)
Inherited from DependencyObject

Sets the value for a dependency property

Parameters :
Name Type Optional
property DependencyProperty No
value any No
Returns : void
Public setValueForScopedRegion
setValueForScopedRegion(property: DependencyProperty, value: any, scopedRegionManager: IRegionManager)
Inherited from DependencyObject

Sets the value for a dependency property. This is a workaround to support Scoped Region Managers. A research is required to find out the way to get the application region Manager when scoped region managers are used (when creating the DelayedRegionBehavior, the correct scoped region manager must be passed as an argument).

Parameters :
Name Type Optional
property DependencyProperty No
value any No
scopedRegionManager IRegionManager No
Returns : void
Protected shouldPreventDefaultSourceUpdate
shouldPreventDefaultSourceUpdate(dependencyProperty: DependencyProperty, binding: BindingExpression)
Inherited from DependencyObject
Parameters :
Name Type Optional
dependencyProperty DependencyProperty No
binding BindingExpression No
Returns : boolean
Private subscribeToBindingPathChanges
subscribeToBindingPathChanges(context: any, binding: Binding, dependencyProperty: DependencyProperty, bindingExpression: BindingExpression)
Inherited from DependencyObject
Parameters :
Name Type Optional
context any No
binding Binding No
dependencyProperty DependencyProperty No
bindingExpression BindingExpression No
Returns : void
Private subscribeToErrorsChangedInModel
subscribeToErrorsChangedInModel(errorCtxt: INotifyDataErrorInfo, propertyToSubscribe: string, bindingExpression: BindingExpression)
Inherited from DependencyObject
Parameters :
Name Type Optional
errorCtxt INotifyDataErrorInfo No
propertyToSubscribe string No
bindingExpression BindingExpression No
Returns : void
Private subscribeToPropertyChanges
subscribeToPropertyChanges(currentContext: any, outerContext: any, properties: string[], propertyIndex: number, dependencyProperty: DependencyProperty, bindingExpression: BindingExpression, subscriptionsForCurrentBindingPath: Array<>)
Inherited from DependencyObject
Parameters :
Name Type Optional
currentContext any No
outerContext any No
properties string[] No
propertyIndex number No
dependencyProperty DependencyProperty No
bindingExpression BindingExpression No
subscriptionsForCurrentBindingPath Array<> No
Returns : void
Private updateSourceOfBinding
updateSourceOfBinding(binding: Binding, outerContext: any, dependencyProperty: DependencyProperty)
Inherited from DependencyObject

Updates the source of a binding

Parameters :
Name Type Optional
binding Binding No
outerContext any No
dependencyProperty DependencyProperty No
Returns : void



XamGrid Column layout

Returns : ColumnLayout
setColumnLayout(value: ColumnLayout)
Parameters :
Name Type Optional
value ColumnLayout No
Returns : void
import { FrameworkElement } from '../../basecomponentmodel';
import { ControlTemplate } from '../../basecomponentmodel/Control';
import { Dependency } from '../../basecomponentmodel/Dependency';
import { DependencyObject } from '../../basecomponentmodel/DependencyObject';
import { DependencyProperty } from '../../basecomponentmodel/DependencyProperty';
import { DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs } from '../../basecomponentmodel/DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs';
import { INotifyPropertyChanged } from '../../basecomponentmodel/INotifyPropertyChanged';
import { IValueConverter } from '../../basecomponentmodel/IValueConverter';
import { onchange } from '../../basecomponentmodel/OnChange';
import { RuntimeStyleInfo } from '../../basecomponentmodel/RuntimeStyleInfo';
import { ObservableCollection } from '../../baseframework/collections';
import { RuntimeTypeInfoImpl } from '../../baseframework/ReflectionSupport';
import { TypeResolver } from '../../helpers/TypeResolver';
import { SubscriptionEvent } from '../../utils';
import { AllowToolTips, SortDirection, TextWrapping } from '../enums';
import { CellBase } from './CellBase';
import { ColumnLayout } from './ColumnLayout';
import { HorizontalAlignment, VerticalAlignment } from './ContainerEnums';
import { ColumnWidth } from './DataGridLengthModel';
import { DataTemplate } from './DataTemplate';
import { RowBase } from './RowBase';
import { XamGridCell, XamGridModel } from './XamGridModel';

 * Column Base class for the xam grid column
 * @export
 * @class XamGridColumnBaseModel
 * @extends {DependencyObject}
 * @implements {INotifyPropertyChanged}
 * @wType Infragistics.Controls.Grids.ColumnBase
export class XamGridColumnBaseModel
  extends DependencyObject
  implements INotifyPropertyChanged
   * TagProperty dependency property
   * @static
   * @type {DependencyProperty}
   * @memberof XamGridColumnModel
  public static TagProperty: DependencyProperty = new DependencyProperty(

   * HeaderTextProperty dependency property
   * @static
   * @type {DependencyProperty}
   * @memberof XamGridColumnBaseModel
  public static HeaderTextProperty: DependencyProperty = new DependencyProperty(

   * KeyProperty dependency property
   * @static
   * @type {DependencyProperty}
   * @memberof XamGridColumnBaseModel
  public static KeyProperty: DependencyProperty = new DependencyProperty(

   * VisibilityProperty dependency property
   * @static
   * @type {DependencyProperty}
   * @memberof XamGridColumnModel
  public static VisibilityProperty: DependencyProperty = new DependencyProperty(

  PropertyChanged: SubscriptionEvent<
    (o: any, args: { PropertyName: string }) => void
  > = new SubscriptionEvent();

   * property to add a footer style
   * @type {RuntimeStyleInfo}
   * @memberof XamGridColumnBaseModel
  FooterStyle: RuntimeStyleInfo;

   * private field for the column layout
   * @private
   * @type {ColumnLayout}
   * @memberof XamGridColumnBaseModel
  private _layout: ColumnLayout;

   * Gets or sets the tag
   * @type {unknown}
   * @memberof XamGridColumnBaseModel
  public Tag: unknown;

   * Gets or sets the visibility
   * @type {boolean}
   * @memberof XamGridColumnModel
  public Visibility: boolean;

   * Gets or sets the HeaderText
   * @memberof XamGridColumnModel
  public HeaderText: string;

   * Gets or sets the key
   * @type {string}
   * @memberof XamGridColumnModel
  public Key: string;

   * DataType property.
   * @type {string}
   * @memberof XamGridColumnModel
   * @wIgnore
  public DataType: 'string' | 'number' | 'date' | 'boolean' = 'string';

   * method call when the column layout is changed
   * @memberof XamGridColumnBaseModel
   * @wMethod OnColumnLayoutChanged
   * @wNoMap
  onColumnLayoutChanged() {}

   * XamGrid Column layout
   * @memberof XamGridColumnBaseModel
  get ColumnLayout(): ColumnLayout {
    return this._layout;

  set ColumnLayout(value: ColumnLayout) {
    if (this._layout !== value) {
      this._layout = value;

 * Base model class representing the column model.
 * @export
 * @class XamGridColumnModel
 * @extends {DependencyObject}
 * @wType Infragistics.Controls.Grids.Column
export class XamGridColumnModel extends XamGridColumnBaseModel {
   * AddNewRowCellStyleProperty dependency property
   * @static
   * @type {DependencyProperty}
   * @memberof XamGridColumnModel
  public static AddNewRowCellStyleProperty: DependencyProperty =
    new DependencyProperty('AddNewRowCellStyle', null, null);

   * AddNewRowEditorTemplateHorizontalContentAlignmentProperty dependency property
   * @static
   * @type {DependencyProperty}
   * @memberof XamGridColumnModel
  public static AddNewRowEditorTemplateHorizontalContentAlignmentProperty: DependencyProperty =
    new DependencyProperty(

   * AddNewRowEditorTemplateProperty dependency property
   * @static
   * @type {DependencyProperty}
   * @memberof XamGridColumnModel
  public static AddNewRowEditorTemplateProperty: DependencyProperty =
    new DependencyProperty('AddNewRowEditorTemplate', null, null);

   * AddNewRowEditorTemplateVerticalContentAlignmentProperty dependency property
   * @static
   * @type {DependencyProperty}
   * @memberof XamGridColumnModel
  public static AddNewRowEditorTemplateVerticalContentAlignmentProperty: DependencyProperty =
    new DependencyProperty(

   * AddNewRowItemTemplateHorizontalContentAlignmentProperty dependency property
   * @static
   * @type {DependencyProperty}
   * @memberof XamGridColumnModel
  public static AddNewRowItemTemplateHorizontalContentAlignmentProperty: DependencyProperty =
    new DependencyProperty(

   * AddNewRowItemTemplateProperty dependency property
   * @static
   * @type {DependencyProperty}
   * @memberof XamGridColumnModel
  public static AddNewRowItemTemplateProperty: DependencyProperty =
    new DependencyProperty('AddNewRowItemTemplate', null, null);

   * AddNewRowItemTemplateVerticalContentAlignmentProperty dependency property
   * @static
   * @type {DependencyProperty}
   * @memberof XamGridColumnModel
  public static AddNewRowItemTemplateVerticalContentAlignmentProperty: DependencyProperty =
    new DependencyProperty(

   * AllowToolTipsProperty dependency property
   * @static
   * @type {DependencyProperty}
   * @memberof XamGridColumnModel
  public static AllowToolTipsProperty: DependencyProperty =
    new DependencyProperty('AllowToolTips', AllowToolTips.Never, null);

   * FirstSortDirectionProperty dependency property
   * @static
   * @type {DependencyProperty}
   * @memberof XamGridColumnModel
  public static FirstSortDirectionProperty: DependencyProperty =
    new DependencyProperty('FirstSortDirection', null, null);

   * FooterTextProperty dependency property
   * @static
   * @type {DependencyProperty}
   * @memberof XamGridColumnModel
  public static FooterTextProperty: DependencyProperty = new DependencyProperty(
    new RuntimeTypeInfoImpl(String)

   * GroupByHeaderCellStyleProperty dependency property
   * @static
   * @type {DependencyProperty}
   * @memberof XamGridColumnModel
  public static GroupByHeaderCellStyleProperty: DependencyProperty =
    new DependencyProperty('GroupByHeaderCellStyle', null, null);

   * GroupByItemTemplateProperty dependency property
   * @static
   * @type {DependencyProperty}
   * @memberof XamGridColumnModel
  public static GroupByItemTemplateProperty: DependencyProperty =
    new DependencyProperty('GroupByItemTemplate', null, null);

   * GroupByRowCellStyleProperty dependency property
   * @static
   * @type {DependencyProperty}
   * @memberof XamGridColumnModel
  public static GroupByRowCellStyleProperty: DependencyProperty =
    new DependencyProperty('GroupByRowCellStyle', null, null);

   * `HeaderStyle` dependency property.
   * @static
   * @type {DependencyProperty}
   * @memberof XamGridColumnModel
   * @wIgnore
  public static HeaderStyleProperty: DependencyProperty =
    new DependencyProperty('HeaderStyle', null, null);

   * HeaderTextHorizontalAlignmentProperty dependency property
   * @static
   * @type {DependencyProperty}
   * @memberof XamGridColumnModel
  public static HeaderTextHorizontalAlignmentProperty: DependencyProperty =
    new DependencyProperty('HeaderTextHorizontalAlignment', null, null);

   * HeaderTextVerticalAlignmentProperty dependency property
   * @static
   * @type {DependencyProperty}
   * @memberof XamGridColumnModel
  public static HeaderTextVerticalAlignmentProperty: DependencyProperty =
    new DependencyProperty('HeaderTextVerticalAlignment', null, null);

   * MaximumWidthProperty dependency property
   * @static
   * @type {DependencyProperty}
   * @memberof XamGridColumnModel
  public static MaximumWidthProperty: DependencyProperty =
    new DependencyProperty('MaximumWidth', null, null);

   * MergeCellStyleProperty dependency property
   * @static
   * @type {DependencyProperty}
   * @memberof XamGridColumnModel
  public static MergeCellStyleProperty: DependencyProperty =
    new DependencyProperty('MergeCellStyle', null, null);

   * MergedItemTemplateProperty dependency property
   * @static
   * @type {DependencyProperty}
   * @memberof XamGridColumnModel
  public static MergedItemTemplateProperty: DependencyProperty =
    new DependencyProperty('MergedItemTemplate', null, null);

   * MinimumWidthProperty dependency property
   * @static
   * @type {DependencyProperty}
   * @memberof XamGridColumnModel
  public static MinimumWidthProperty: DependencyProperty =
    new DependencyProperty('MinimumWidth', null, null);

   * ToolTipContentTemplateProperty dependency property
   * @static
   * @type {DependencyProperty}
   * @memberof XamGridColumnModel
  public static ToolTipContentTemplateProperty: DependencyProperty =
    new DependencyProperty('ToolTipContentTemplate', null, null);

   * ToolTipStyleProperty dependency property
   * @static
   * @type {DependencyProperty}
   * @memberof XamGridColumnModel
  public static ToolTipStyleProperty: DependencyProperty =
    new DependencyProperty('ToolTipStyle', null, null);

   * ValueConverterParameterProperty dependency property
   * @static
   * @type {DependencyProperty}
   * @memberof XamGridColumnModel
  public static ValueConverterParameterProperty: DependencyProperty =
    new DependencyProperty('ValueConverterParameter', null, null);

   * ValueConverterProperty dependency property
   * @static
   * @type {DependencyProperty}
   * @memberof XamGridColumnModel
  public static ValueConverterProperty: DependencyProperty =
    new DependencyProperty('ValueConverter', null, null);

   * WidthProperty dependency property
   * @static
   * @type {DependencyProperty}
   * @memberof XamGridColumnModel
  public static WidthProperty: DependencyProperty = new DependencyProperty(

   * IsReadOnlyProperty dependency property
   * @static
   * @memberof XamGridColumnModel
   * @wIgnore
  public static IsReadOnlyProperty = new DependencyProperty(

   * IsFilterableProperty dependency property
   * @static
   * @memberof XamGridColumnModel
   * @wIgnore
  public static IsFilterableProperty = new DependencyProperty(

   * Gets or sets allow tooltips
   * @memberof XamGridColumnModel
  public AllowToolTips: AllowToolTips;

   * Gets or sets the footer text
   * @memberof XamGridColumnModel
  public FooterText: string;

   * Gets or sets the style to be used by the column header.
   * @type {RuntimeStyleInfo}
   * @memberof XamGridColumnModel
  public HeaderStyle: RuntimeStyleInfo;

   * Gets or sets the minimun width
   * @type {*}
   * @memberof XamGridColumnModel
  public MinimumWidth: any;

   * Gets or sets the width
   * @type {ColumnWidth}
   * @memberof XamGridColumnModel
  public Width: ColumnWidth;

   * Gets or sets the maximun width
   * @type {*}
   * @memberof XamGridColumnModel
  public MaximumWidth: any;

   * Gets or sets the header text horizontal alignment
   * @type {HorizontalAlignment}
   * @memberof XamGridColumnModel
  public HeaderTextHorizontalAlignment: HorizontalAlignment;

   * Gets or sets the value converter
   * @type {IValueConverter}
   * @memberof XamGridColumnModel
  public ValueConverter: IValueConverter;

   * Gets or set the value converter parameter
   * @type {unknown}
   * @memberof XamGridColumnModel
  public ValueConverterParameter: unknown;

   * Returns whether this model represents a a column group.
   * @readonly
   * @memberof XamGridColumnModel
   * @wIgnore
  public get IsGroupColumn() {
    return false;

   * Check is the column is read only.
   * @type {boolean}
   * @memberof XamGridColumnModel
   * @wIgnore
  public IsReadOnly: boolean;

   * Check if the column is filterable.
   * @type {boolean}
   * @memberof XamGridColumnModel
  public IsFilterable: boolean;
   * CalculatedWidth property.
   * @type {string}
   * @memberof XamGridColumnModel
   * @wIgnore
  public CalculatedWidth: string = '0';
  public ConditionalFormatCollection = new ConditionalFormatCollection();
  public FilterColumnSettings = new FilterColumnSettings();
  public FooterStyle: RuntimeStyleInfo = null;
  public CellStyle: RuntimeStyleInfo = null;
  public IsGroupable = false;
  public IsHideable = false;
  public IsFixable = true;
  public IsMovable = true;
  public IsResizable = true;
  public IsFixed = FixedState.NotFixed;
  public SortComparer: unknown = null;
  public ActualWidth = 0;
   * Check if the column is Editable.
   * @type {string}
   * @memberof XamGridColumnModel
   * @wProperty IsEditable
  public Editable = false;
  #_isReadOnly = false; // eslint-disable-line @typescript-eslint/naming-convention
  public HeaderTemplate: DataTemplate;
   * FilterTempalte property.
   * @type {string}
   * @memberof XamGridColumnModel
   * @wIgnore
  public FilterTemplate: DataTemplate;

   * Mobilize custom property.
   * Gets or sets if the column header should adjust the width property.
   * @protected
   * @memberof XamGridColumnModel
   * @wIgnore
  public AutoSizeHeader = true;

   * Default Silverlight value for VerticalContentAlignment is Center
  public VerticalContentAlignment: VerticalAlignment = VerticalAlignment.Center;

   * Default GridColumn value for HorizontalContentAlignment is Left
  public HorizontalContentAlignment: HorizontalAlignment =

   * Check if the column is sortable
   * True by default
   * @wIgnore
  protected _isSortable: boolean = true;

   * Flag to determine the sorting direction being used
   * @wIgnore
  private _isSorted: SortDirection = SortDirection.None;

   * The parent of this column if any.
   * Usually this is the containing column group.
  public Parent: XamGridColumnModel | XamGridModel | null = null;

   * If there is a `Template` property in `HeaderStyle`, returns information
   * about such `Template`. Otherwise, returns `null`.
   * @readonly
   * @type {*}
   * @memberof XamGridColumnModel
   * @wIgnore
  public get TemplateInHeaderStyle(): any {
    /* eslint-disable @typescript-eslint/naming-convention */
    if (this.cachedTemplateInHeaderStyle != null) {
      return this.cachedTemplateInHeaderStyle;

    const controlTemplate = this.HeaderStyle?.Setters.toArray().find(
      (x) => x.Property === 'Template'
    )?.Value as ControlTemplate;
    if (controlTemplate) {
      const ctModel = new controlTemplate.templateModelClass(this);
      const componentType = TypeResolver.getType(ctModel.AngularComponentId);
      this.cachedTemplateInHeaderStyle = {
        controlType: componentType,
        controlModel: ctModel,
      return this.cachedTemplateInHeaderStyle;

    return null;

   * Gets the resolved grid column width
   * @readonly
   * @memberof XamGridColumnModel
   * @wIgnore
  public get WidthResolved() {
    if (!this.Width) {
      return this.ColumnLayout.ColumnWidthResolved;
    return this.Width;

   * Returns the current sort state of this column.
   * @readonly
   * @memberof XamGridColumnModel
  get IsSorted(): SortDirection {
    return this._isSorted;
   * Sets a new sort state for this column.
   * @readonly
   * @memberof XamGridColumnModel
  set IsSorted(value: SortDirection) {
    if (value === this._isSorted) return;
    this._isSorted = value;
    if (!this.ColumnLayout.Grid.SortingSettings.SortedColumns.contains(this)) {

   * Returns the current is sortable state of this column.
   * @readonly
   * @memberof XamGridColumnModel
  get IsSortable(): boolean {
    return this._isSortable;
   * Sets is sortable state for this column.
   * @readonly
   * @memberof XamGridColumnModel
  set IsSortable(value: boolean) {
    if (value === this._isSortable) return;
    this._isSortable = value;

   * Footer operand used to display the footer text.
   * @protected
   * @type {*}
   * @memberof XamGridColumnModel
  footerOperand: any;

   * Stores the information about the `Template` in `HeaderStyle`.
   * @private
   * @type {{controlType: any, controlModel: any}}
   * @memberof XamGridColumnModel
  private cachedTemplateInHeaderStyle: { controlType: any; controlModel: any } =

   * Creates an instance of XamGridColumnModel.
   * @memberof XamGridColumnModel
  constructor() {

   * Dynamically create a class for summaries operands. Accepts a string
   * as a binding to render in the "footer" part of the columns.
   * @param {string} [text]
   * @memberof XamGridColumnModel
   * @wIgnore
  CreateFooterOperand(footerTemplate?: any): void {
    const klass = class {} as any;
    klass.prototype.operate = (arg1, arg2, arg3) => {
      /* istanbul ignore else */
      if (footerTemplate?.control.model instanceof FrameworkElement) {
      return [
          key: 'default', // eslint-disable-line @typescript-eslint/naming-convention
          label: '', // eslint-disable-line @typescript-eslint/naming-convention
          summaryResult: footerTemplate?.control.model.Text ?? this.FooterText, // eslint-disable-line @typescript-eslint/naming-convention
    this.footerOperand = klass;
   * Callback function for `IsReadOnly` changes.
   * @static
   * @param {DependencyObject} sender
   * @param {DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs} args
   * @memberof XamGridColumnModel
   * @wIgnore
  public static IsReadOnlyCallBack(
    sender: DependencyObject,
    args: DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs
  ) {
    (sender as XamGridColumnModel).Editable = !args.NewValue;

   * Callback function for `FooterText` changes.
   * @static
   * @param {DependencyObject} sender
   * @param {DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs} args
   * @memberof XamGridColumnModel
   * @wIgnore
  public static FooterTextChangedCallback(
    sender: DependencyObject,
    args: DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs
  ): void {
    (sender as XamGridColumnModel).CreateFooterOperand();

   *  Triggers the `PropertyChanged` subscription event
   * @protected
   * @param {string} propertyName
   * @memberof XamGridColumnModel
   * @wIgnore
  protected OnPropertyChanged(propertyName: string): void {[propertyName]);

  GenerateCell(row: RowBase): CellBase {
    return this.GenerateDataCell(row);

  GenerateDataCell(row: RowBase): CellBase {
    const cell = new XamGridCell(row, this);
    const cellType = () =>
        'data.' + this.Key
    cell.Control =
    return cell;
 *  Enumeration to specify how a column is fixed
 * @export
 * @enum {number}
 * @wEnum Infragistics.Controls.Grids.FixedState
export enum FixedState {

 *  Model for editable XamGrid columns
 * @export
 * @class XamGridEditableColumnModel
 * @extends {XamGridColumnModel}
 * @wType Infragistics.Controls.Grids.EditableColumn
export class XamGridEditableColumnModel extends XamGridColumnModel {}

 * An alias for the XamGridColumnModel for API compatibility.
 * @export
 * @class DataGridTemplateColumnModel
 * @extends {XamGridEditableColumnModel}
 * @wType Infragistics.Controls.Grids.TemplateColumn
export class XamGridTemplateColumnModel extends XamGridEditableColumnModel {
  public EditorTemplate: DataTemplate;
  public ItemTemplate: DataTemplate;
  public FooterTemplate: any;

 * Text column model.
 * @export
 * @class DataGridTextColumnModel
 * @extends {XamGridEditableColumnModel}
 * @wType Infragistics.Controls.Grids.TextColumn
export class XamGridTextColumnModel extends XamGridEditableColumnModel {
  public TextWrapping: TextWrapping = null;
  public FormatString: string = null;
  HorizontalContentAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Left; // Default value for textColumns

 * Checkbox column model.
 * @export
 * @class DataGridCheckboxColumnModel
 * @extends {XamGridEditableColumnModel}
 * @wType Infragistics.Controls.Grids.CheckBoxColumn
export class XamGridCheckboxColumnModel extends XamGridEditableColumnModel {
  public readonly DataType = 'boolean';

 * Unbound column model.
 * @export
 * @class DataGridUnboundColumnModel
 * @extends {XamGridEditableColumnModel}
 * @wType Infragistics.Controls.Grids.UnboundColumn
export class XamGridUnboundColumnModel extends XamGridEditableColumnModel {
   * Key property.
   * @memberof XamGridUnboundColumnModel
  public Key: string;

   * ItemTemplate property.
   * @memberof XamGridUnboundColumnModel
  public ItemTemplate: DataTemplate = null;

   * EditorTemplate property.
   * @memberof XamGridUnboundColumnModel
  public EditorTemplate: DataTemplate = null;

   * Creates a new instance of XamGridUnboundColumnModel.
   * @memberof XamGridUnboundColumnModel
  constructor() {
    this.IsSortable = false;

 * Model representing a column group.
 * @export
 * @class XamGridGroupColumnModel
 * @extends {XamGridColumnModel}
 * @wType Infragistics.Controls.Grids.GroupColumn
export class XamGridGroupColumnModel extends XamGridColumnModel {
   * Internal Columns property
   * @wIgnore
  protected _columns = new GroupColumnsCollection();

   * Returns whether the this model is a column group.
   * @readonly
   * @memberof XamGridGroupColumnModel
   * @wIgnore
  get IsGroupColumn() {
    return true;

   * Returns whether this model represents a column group.
   * @readonly
   * @memberof XamGridGroupColumnModel
  get Columns() {
    return this._columns;

   * Adds a column model to the column group model collection.
   * @param {XamGridColumnModel} column
   * @memberof XamGridGroupColumnModel
   * @wIgnore
  AddColumn(column: XamGridColumnModel) {
    column.ColumnLayout = this.ColumnLayout;

 * Group Column collection class
 * @export
 * @class GroupColumnsCollection
 * @extends {ObservableCollection<XamGridColumnModel>}
 * @wType Infragistics.Controls.Grids.GroupColumnsCollection
export class GroupColumnsCollection extends ObservableCollection<XamGridColumnModel> {
   * Method to returns the column with a specify key
   * @param {string} key
   * @return {*}
   * @memberof GroupColumnsCollection
  getColumnByKey(key: string) {
    for (const column of this) {
      if (column.Key === key) {
        return column;
    return null;

  getColumnByKeyDeep(key: string): {
    column: XamGridColumnModel;
    isRoot: boolean;
  } {
    const groupColumns = [];
    for (const column of this) {
      if (column.Key === key) {
        return { column, isRoot: false };
      if (column instanceof XamGridGroupColumnModel) {

    for (const columnGroup of groupColumns) {
      let { column } = columnGroup.Columns.getColumnByKeyDeep(key);
      if (column) {
        return { column, isRoot: false };
    return { column: null, isRoot: false };

 *  Interface for conditional formatting rules
 * @export
 * @interface IConditionalFormattingRule
 * @wInterface Infragistics.Controls.Grids.IConditionalFormattingRule
export interface IConditionalFormattingRule {}

 *  Collection of conditional formating rules
 * @export
 * @class ConditionalFormatCollection
 * @extends {ObservableCollection<IConditionalFormattingRule>}
 * @wType Infragistics.Controls.Grids.ConditionalFormatCollection
export class ConditionalFormatCollection extends ObservableCollection<IConditionalFormattingRule> {}

 *  Settings for column filtering
 * @export
 * @class FilterColumnSettings
 * @wType Infragistics.Controls.Grids.FilterColumnSettings
export class FilterColumnSettings {
  FilterCellValue: unknown = null;
  FilteringOperand: FilteringOperand = null;

 *  Base class for filtering operands
 * @export
 * @abstract
 * @class FilteringOperand
 * @wType Infragistics.Controls.Grids.FilterOperand
export abstract class FilteringOperand {
  abstract get operand(): any;

function applyIgnoreCase(s: string, ignoreCase: boolean): string {
  s = s ?? '';
  return ignoreCase ? `${s}`.toLowerCase() : s;

 *  A class to represent the `contains` operand
 * @export
 * @class ContainsOperand
 * @extends {FilteringOperand}
 * @wType Infragistics.Controls.Grids.ContainsOperand
export class ContainsOperand extends FilteringOperand {
  get operand() {
    return {
      name: 'contains',
      isUnary: false,
      iconName: 'contains',
      logic: (target: string, searchVal: string, ignoreCase?: boolean) => {
        const search = applyIgnoreCase(searchVal, ignoreCase);
        target = applyIgnoreCase(target, ignoreCase);
        return target.indexOf(search) !== -1;

 * A class representing the `doesNotContain` operand
 * @export
 * @class DoesNotContainOperand
 * @extends {FilteringOperand}
 * @wType Infragistics.Controls.Grids.DoesNotContainOperand
export class DoesNotContainOperand extends FilteringOperand {
  get operand() {
    return {
      name: 'doesNotContain',
      isUnary: false,
      iconName: 'does-not-contain',
      logic: (target: string, searchVal: string, ignoreCase?: boolean) => {
        const search = applyIgnoreCase(searchVal, ignoreCase);
        target = applyIgnoreCase(target, ignoreCase);
        return target.indexOf(search) === -1;

 * A class representing the `startsWith` operand
 * @export
 * @class StartsWithOperand
 * @extends {FilteringOperand}
 * @wType Infragistics.Controls.Grids.StartsWithOperand
export class StartsWithOperand extends FilteringOperand {
  get operand() {
    return {
      name: 'startsWith',
      isUnary: false,
      iconName: 'starts-with',
      logic: (target: string, searchVal: string, ignoreCase?: boolean) => {
        const search = applyIgnoreCase(searchVal, ignoreCase);
        target = applyIgnoreCase(target, ignoreCase);
        return target.startsWith(search);

 * A class representing the `doesNotStartWith` operand
 * @export
 * @class DoesNotStartWithOperand
 * @extends {FilteringOperand}
 * @wType Infragistics.Controls.Grids.DoesNotStartWithOperand
export class DoesNotStartWithOperand extends FilteringOperand {
  get operand() {
    return {
      name: 'Does Not Start With',
      isUnary: false,
      iconName: 'does-not-start-with',
      logic: (target: string, searchVal: string, ignoreCase?: boolean) => {
        const search = applyIgnoreCase(searchVal, ignoreCase);
        target = applyIgnoreCase(target, ignoreCase);
        return !target.startsWith(search);

 * A class representing the `endsWith` operand
 * @export
 * @class EndsWithOperand
 * @extends {FilteringOperand}
 * @wType Infragistics.Controls.Grids.EndsWithOperand
export class EndsWithOperand extends FilteringOperand {
  get operand() {
    return {
      name: 'endsWith',
      isUnary: false,
      iconName: 'ends-with',
      logic: (target: string, searchVal: string, ignoreCase?: boolean) => {
        const search = applyIgnoreCase(searchVal, ignoreCase);
        target = applyIgnoreCase(target, ignoreCase);
        return target.endsWith(search);

 * A class representing the `doesNotEndWith` operand
 * @export
 * @class DoesNotEndWithOperand
 * @extends {FilteringOperand}
 * @wType Infragistics.Controls.Grids.DoesNotEndWithOperand
export class DoesNotEndWithOperand extends FilteringOperand {
  get operand() {
    return {
      name: 'Does Not End With',
      isUnary: false,
      iconName: 'does-not-end-with',
      logic: (target: string, searchVal: string, ignoreCase?: boolean) => {
        const search = applyIgnoreCase(searchVal, ignoreCase);
        target = applyIgnoreCase(target, ignoreCase);
        return !target.endsWith(search);

 * A class representing the `equals` operand
 * @export
 * @class EqualsOperand
 * @extends {FilteringOperand}
 * @wType Infragistics.Controls.Grids.EqualsOperand
export class EqualsOperand extends FilteringOperand {
  get operand() {
    return {
      name: 'equals',
      isUnary: false,
      iconName: 'equals',
      logic: (target: number, searchVal: number) => target === searchVal,

 * A class representing the `notEqual` operand
 * @export
 * @class NotEqualsOperand
 * @extends {FilteringOperand}
 * @wType Infragistics.Controls.Grids.NotEqualsOperand
export class NotEqualsOperand extends FilteringOperand {
  get operand() {
    return {
      name: 'doesNotEqual',
      isUnary: false,
      iconName: 'not-equal',
      logic: (target: number, searchVal: number) => target !== searchVal,

 * A class representing the `greaterThan` operand
 * @export
 * @class GreaterThanOperand
 * @extends {FilteringOperand}
 * @wType Infragistics.Controls.Grids.GreaterThanOperand
export class GreaterThanOperand extends FilteringOperand {
  get operand() {
    return {
      name: 'greaterThan',
      isUnary: false,
      iconName: 'greater-than',
      logic: (target: number, searchVal: number) => target > searchVal,

 * A class representing the `greaterThanOrEqualTo` operand
 * @export
 * @class GreaterThanOrEqualOperand
 * @extends {FilteringOperand}
 * @wType Infragistics.Controls.Grids.GreaterThanOrEqualOperand
export class GreaterThanOrEqualOperand extends FilteringOperand {
  get operand() {
    return {
      name: 'greaterThanOrEqualTo',
      isUnary: false,
      iconName: 'greater-than-or-equal',
      logic: (target: number, searchVal: number) => target >= searchVal,

 * A class representing the `lessThan` operand
 * @export
 * @class LessThanOperand
 * @extends {FilteringOperand}
 * @wType Infragistics.Controls.Grids.LessThanOperand
export class LessThanOperand extends FilteringOperand {
  get operand() {
    return {
      name: 'lessThan',
      isUnary: false,
      iconName: 'less-than',
      logic: (target: number, searchVal: number) => target < searchVal,

 * A class representing the `lessThanOrEqualTo` operand
 * @export
 * @class LessThanOrEqualOperand
 * @extends {FilteringOperand}
 * @wType Infragistics.Controls.Grids.LessThanOrEqualOperand
export class LessThanOrEqualOperand extends FilteringOperand {
  get operand() {
    return {
      name: 'lessThanOrEqualTo',
      isUnary: false,
      iconName: 'less-than-or-equal',
      logic: (target: number, searchVal: number) => target <= searchVal,

 * A class representing the `BetweenXandYConditionalFormatRule`
 * @export
 * @class BetweenXandYConditionalFormatRule
 * @wType Infragistics.Controls.Grids.BetweenXandYConditionalFormatRule
export class BetweenXandYConditionalFormatRule {
  IsInclusive = true;
  UpperBound: number;
  LowerBound: number;
  StyleToApply = {};

  callback(value: number) {
    if (this.IsInclusive) {
      return value >= this.LowerBound && value <= this.UpperBound;
    return value > this.LowerBound && value < this.UpperBound;

 * A class representing the `LessThanConditionalFormatRule`
 * @export
 * @class LessThanConditionalFormatRule
 * @wType Infragistics.Controls.Grids.LessThanConditionalFormatRule
export class LessThanConditionalFormatRule {
  Value: number;
  StyleToApply = {};

  callback(value: number) {
    return value < this.Value;

 * A class representing the `GreaterThanConditionalFormatRule`
 * @export
 * @class GreaterThanConditionalFormatRule
 * @wType Infragistics.Controls.Grids.GreaterThanConditionalFormatRule
export class GreaterThanConditionalFormatRule {
  Value: number;
  StyleToApply = {};

  callback(value: number) {
    return value > this.Value;

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