


Contains resources for the application.




Private mergedDictionaries
Type : ObjectModelCollection<ResourceDictionary>
Default value : new ObjectModelCollection<ResourceDictionary>()

Contains the resource dictionaries that have been merged with this ResourceDictionary.

Private resourceMap
Default value : new Map<string, unknown>()

Contains the resources directly mapped by this ResourceDictionary.

Private source
Type : Uri
Default value : null

Stores the URI from which to fetch resources from.


Public Add
Add(key: string, value: unknown)

Adds a resource into this ResourceDictionary.

    this resource dictionary, it throws an exception. You can't
    overwrite a resource: you have to remove the existing resource
    before adding a new one with the same key.
    source. You can't modify resources when fetched from a remote
Parameters :
Name Type Optional Description
key string No

A key to the resource.

value unknown No

The resource to add.

Returns : void
Public Contains
Contains(key: unknown)

Check if a resource with the given key is present in this resource dictionary, or in its merged dictionaries.

Parameters :
Name Type Optional Description
key unknown No

The key to check.

Returns : boolean

{boolean} true if the key is present, false otherwise.

Public Get
Get(key: unknown)

Gets the resource associated with the given key.

         the key is not present.
Parameters :
Name Type Optional Description
key unknown No

The key of the resource to get.

Returns : any

The resource associated with the key, or undefined if the key is not present.

Public Remove
Remove(key: string)

Removes the resource with the given key from this resource dictionary. Note: this method does not remove the key from merged dictionaries, even if it is present on those.

    source. You can't modify resources when fetched from a remote
Parameters :
Name Type Optional Description
key string No

The key of the resource to remove.

Returns : void

Iterates throw key-resource pairs in this resource dictionary. Note: this iterator does not iterate over merged dictionaries.

Returns : Iterator<any>




Gets the resource dictionaries which have been merged with this ResourceDictionary.

Returns : ObjectModelCollection<ResourceDictionary>

The source URI from which to fetch resources from.

Returns : Uri
setSource(value: Uri)
Parameters :
Name Type Optional
value Uri No
Returns : void
import { ObjectModelCollection } from '../baseframework/collections';
import { Uri } from '../baseframework/Uri';
import { ResourceFileRegistry } from './ResourceFileRegistry';

 * Contains resources for the application.
 * @export
 * @class ResourceDictionary
 * @wType System.Windows.ResourceDictionary
export class ResourceDictionary {
   * Contains the resources directly mapped by this ResourceDictionary.
   * @private
   * @memberof ResourceDictionary
  private resourceMap = new Map<string, unknown>();

   * Contains the resource dictionaries that have
   * been merged with this ResourceDictionary.
   * @private
   * @type {ObjectModelCollection<ResourceDictionary>}
   * @memberof ResourceDictionary
  private mergedDictionaries: ObjectModelCollection<ResourceDictionary> =
    new ObjectModelCollection<ResourceDictionary>();

   * Stores the URI from which to fetch resources from.
   * @private
   * @type {Uri}
   * @memberof ResourceDictionary
  private source: Uri = null;

   * Gets the resource dictionaries which have been
   * merged with this ResourceDictionary.
   * @readonly
   * @type {ObjectModelCollection<ResourceDictionary>}
   * @memberof ResourceDictionary
  public get MergedDictionaries(): ObjectModelCollection<ResourceDictionary> {
    return this.mergedDictionaries;

   * The source URI from which to fetch resources from.
   * @type {Uri}
   * @memberof ResourceDictionary
  public get Source(): Uri {
    return this.source;

  public set Source(value: Uri) {
    const objFunc = ResourceFileRegistry.ResourceFiles.get(
    if (objFunc instanceof Function) {
      const obj = objFunc() as ResourceDictionary;
      this.mergedDictionaries = obj.mergedDictionaries;
      this.resourceMap = obj.resourceMap;
    this.source = value;

   * Adds a resource into this ResourceDictionary.
   * @param {string} key A key to the resource.
   * @param {unknown} value The resource to add.
   * @throws If there is a resource with the given key is already present on
   *         this resource dictionary, it throws an exception. You can't
   *         overwrite a resource: you have to remove the existing resource
   *         before adding a new one with the same key.
   * @throws If this resource dictionary fetch its resources from a remote
   *         source. You can't modify resources when fetched from a remote
   *         source.
   * @memberof ResourceDictionary
  public Add(key: string, value: unknown): void {
    if (this.Source != null) {
      throw Error(`Can't add elements to a remote ResourceDictionary`);

    if (!this.resourceMap.has(key)) {
      this.resourceMap.set(key, value);
    } else {
      throw Error(`Key '${key}' already exist in the ResourceDictionary`);

   * Check if a resource with the given key is present in this resource
   * dictionary, or in its merged dictionaries.
   * @param {unknown} key The key to check.
   * @return {*}  {boolean} `true` if the key is present, `false` otherwise.
   * @memberof ResourceDictionary
  public Contains(key: unknown): boolean {
    if (typeof key !== 'string') {
      throw Error(
        `Keys of type ${typeof key} are not supported. Only string keys are supported`

    const strKey = key as string;
    let found = this.resourceMap.has(strKey);

    if (!found) {
      const mergedDictionaries = this.mergedDictionaries.internalArray;
      for (let i = mergedDictionaries.length - 1; i >= 0 && !found; i--) {
        found = mergedDictionaries[i].Contains(key);

    return found;

   * Gets the resource associated with the given key.
   * @param {unknown} key The key of the resource to get.
   * @return {*}  The resource associated with the key, or `undefined` if
   *              the key is not present.
   * @memberof ResourceDictionary
   * @wIgnore
  public Get(key: unknown): any {
    if (typeof key !== 'string') {
      throw Error(
        `Keys of type ${typeof key} are not supported. Only string keys are supported`

    const strKey = key as string;
    let value = this.resourceMap.get(strKey);

    if (value === undefined) {
      const mergedDictionaries = this.mergedDictionaries.internalArray;
      for (
        let i = mergedDictionaries.length - 1;
        i >= 0 && value === undefined;
      ) {
        value = mergedDictionaries[i].Get(key);

    return value;

   * Iterates throw key-resource pairs in this resource dictionary.
   * Note: this iterator does not iterate over merged dictionaries.
   * @return {*}  {Iterator<any>}
   * @memberof ResourceDictionary
  [Symbol.iterator](): Iterator<any> {
    return this.resourceMap[Symbol.iterator]();

   * Removes the resource with the given key from this resource dictionary.
   * Note: this method does not remove the key from merged dictionaries, even
   * if it is present on those.
   * @param {string} key The key of the resource to remove.
   * @throws If this resource dictionary fetch its resources from a remote
   *         source. You can't modify resources when fetched from a remote
   *         source.
   * @memberof ResourceDictionary
  public Remove(key: string): void {
    if (this.Source != null) {
      throw Error(`Can't remove elements from a remote ResourceDictionary`);


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