
The WebMAPBaseComponents project is a base library that contains the basic funcionality of WebMAPComponents project. It contains basic components, decorators, common directives, share services and some utils.

Getting Started

  1. Installation process

Once you have the repository downloaded and all the Software dependencies of section 2 are installed, go ahead and install all the dependencies using yarn:

First go to the root directory inside this repository, and then execute yarn install or yarn in a command line.

For more information about yarn visit their website: Yarn

  1. Software dependencies

Before you try to install the final dependencies of the project you'll need to set the npm registry and have the next ones:

  • Node.js version 12 or greater Install
  • npm registry can be set by executing the next command with Node.js installed: npm set registry http://ais-build-w7:81/npm/Frontend/ or npm set registry
  • angular.cli version 9.1.11, it can be installed by executing the next command with Node.js installed: npm install -g @angular/cli@9.1.11
  • Yarn: it can be installed by executing npm install -g yarn with Node.js installed.
  1. API references

For a complete reference to the project documentation you can visit the next link:


Build and Test

To build the project, go to the root directory inside this repository, and then execute npm run build.

In case of testing, execute npm run test.

E2E Testing

To run e2e tests, follow the next steps:

Using npm link:

Execute the next commands in a cmd:

  • cd path/to/BaseComponents/package this means the location of the package.json inside the project.
  • npm link
  • cd ./SamplesPATH this Samples can be the full path to the Samples or E2E directories inside WFNetKendo repository
  • npm link @mobilize/base-components

And then follow the e2e instructions inside Samples or E2E README

Using the npm pack:

  1. Build the project

  2. Go to the /dist directory inside the root directory

  3. run npm version x.x.x (x can be any number), this is just to put a version for the package

  4. run npm pack

  5. copy the path of the package (.tgz)

  6. open ./package.json file that is located in the WFNetKendoComponents/WinformsComponent folder and paste the path exactly in "@mobilize/base-components" value, just like this:

    "@mobilize/base-components": "path\to\the\package.tgz"

  7. follow the e2e instructions inside WinformsComponents README

Development server

Run ng serve or npm run start for a dev server. Navigate to http://localhost:4200/. The app will automatically reload if you change any of the source files.

Code scaffolding

Run ng generate component component-name to generate a new component. You can also use ng generate directive|pipe|service|class|guard|interface|enum|module.

Further help

To get more help on the Angular CLI use ng help or go check out the Angular CLI README.

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